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Dictionary French English: [2 handed]

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armes hist. mil. hallebarde {f}halberd [2-handed pole weapon with double axe, introduced in the 14C]
armes hist. mil. hallebarde {f}halbert [2-handed pole weapon with double axe, introduced in the 14C]
chim. oxyde {m} de propylène [C3H6O] [aussi : 1,2-époxypropane]propylene oxide [also: 1,2-propylene oxide]
minér. glauconite {f} [(K,Na)(Fe,Al,Mg)2 [(OH)2|(Si,Al)4O10]]glauconite
hist. mil. pol. traités {m.pl} de Tilsit [1807]Treaties of Tilsit [1807] [2 agreements signed by Napoleon I of France ending the War of the 4th Coalition, with 1. Emperor Alexander I of Russia. 2. the King Of Prussia. Tilsit = Sovetsk]
minér. stéatite {f} [Mg3Si4O10(OH)2]soapstone [talc]
minér. stéatite {f} [Mg3Si4O10(OH)2]talc [steatite]
occup. biseau {m} [poste temporairement occupé à 2]handover
meub. causeuse {f}small sofa [for just 2 persons]
auto deux-chevaux {f} [2 CV]Citroën 2CV [car]
minér. pierre {f} ollaire [Mg3Si4O10(OH)2]soapstone [talc]
minér. pierre {f} ollaire [Mg3Si4O10(OH)2]steatite [soapstone]
minér. pierre {f} ollaire [Mg3Si4O10(OH)2]talc [steatite]
minér. pierre {f} de savon [Mg3Si4O10(OH)2]soapstone
arch. urban traboule {f} [régional] [passage direct entre 2 rues]alleyway
arch. urban traboule {f} [régional] [passage direct entre 2 rues]passageway
chim. oxynitrate {m} d'uranium [UO2(NO3)2]uranyl nitrate
chim. dinitrate {m} de cuivre [Cu(NO3)2]cupric nitrate
chim. hydroxyde {m} de baryum [Ba(OH)2]barium hydroxide
math. système {m} binairebinary numeral system [also: base-2 numeral system]
alim. chim. acide {m} adipique [C6H10O4, (CH2)4(COOH)2] [E-355]adipic acid
naut. unit encablure {f} [pige]cable length [1/10 of a nautical mile, 608 feet, 185.2 metres]
alim. chim. phosphate {m} tricalcique [Ca3(PO4)2] [E-341]calcium phosphate
alim. chim. phosphate {m} tricalcique [Ca3(PO4)2] [E-341]tricalcium phosphate
chim. fulminate {m} de mercure [Hg(CNO)2]fulminate of mercury
chim. hydrogénocarbonate {m} de calcium [Ca(HCO3)2]calcium hydrogen carbonate
chim. hydroxyde {m} de béryllium [BeH2O2, Be(OH)2]beryllium hydroxide
chim. nitrate {m} d'uranyle [UO2(NO3)2]uranyl nitrate
chim. borohydrure {m} de béryllium [Be [BH4]2]beryllium borohydride
chim. chlorate {m} de baryum [Ba(ClO3)2]barium chlorate
chim. fulminate {m} de mercure [Hg(CNO)2]mercuric fulminate
chim. fulminate {m} de mercure [Hg(CNO)2]mercury fulminate
chim. hydroxyde {m} de calcium [Ca(OH)2]calcium hydroxide
chim. hydroxyde {m} de strontium [Sr(OH)2]strontium hydroxide
chim. hydroxyde {m} de zinc [Zn(OH)2]zinc hydroxide
chim. nitrate {m} de baryum [Ba(NO3)2]barium nitrate
alim. chim. phosphate {m} tricalcique [Ca3(PO4)2] [E-341]tribasic calcium phosphate
alim. chim. hydroxyde {m} de magnésium [Mg(OH)2] [E-528]magnesium hydroxide
alim. chim. phosphate {m} de calcium [Ca3(PO4)2] [E-341]tricalcium phosphate
unit toise {f} [unité de longueur ancienne]toise [approx. 6 1/2 feet]
alim. chim. phosphate {m} tricalcique [Ca3(PO4)2] [E-341]bone phosphate of lime
alim. chim. phosphate {m} de calcium tribasique [Ca3(PO4)2] [E-341]tricalcium phosphate
alim. chim. phosphate {m} de chaux osseuse [Ca3(PO4)2] [E-341]calcium phosphate
alim. chim. phosphate {m} de chaux osseuse [Ca3(PO4)2] [E-341]tricalcium phosphate
alim. chim. phosphate {m} de calcium [Ca3(PO4)2] [E-341]bone phosphate of lime
alim. chim. phosphate {m} de chaux osseuse [Ca3(PO4)2] [E-341]tribasic calcium phosphate
alim. chim. phosphate {m} de calcium tribasique [Ca3(PO4)2] [E-341]bone phosphate of lime
alim. chim. phosphate {m} de chaux osseuse [Ca3(PO4)2] [E-341]bone phosphate of lime
minér. stéatite {f} [Mg3Si4O10(OH)2]steatite [soapstone]
minér. jamesite {f} [PbZnFe2(Fe,Zn)3 [(OH,O)2|(OH)8|(AsO4)4]]jamesite
alim. chim. phosphate {m} de calcium tribasique [Ca3(PO4)2] [E-341]tribasic calcium phosphate
alim. chim. benzoate {m} de calcium [C14H10CaO4, Ca(C6H5CO2)2] [E-213]calcium benzoate
alim. chim. phosphate {m} de calcium [Ca3(PO4)2] [E-341]tribasic calcium phosphate
alim. chim. phosphate {m} de calcium tribasique [Ca3(PO4)2] [E-341]calcium phosphate
chim. nitrate {m} de cuivre(II) [Cu(NO3)2]copper(II) nitrate
chim. nitrate {m} de plomb(II) [Pb(NO3)2]lead(II) nitrate
alim. chim. phosphate {m} de calcium [Ca3(PO4)2] [E-341]calcium phosphate
chim. bromate {m} de strontium [SrBr2O6, Sr(BrO3)2]strontium bromate
chim. chaux {f} éteinte [Ca(OH)2]slaked lime [also: hydrated lime, caustic lime, builders' lime, slaked lime, cal, or pickling lime]
chim. hydroxyde {m} de calcium [Ca(OH)2]slaked lime [also: hydrated lime, caustic lime, builders' lime, slaked lime, cal, or pickling lime]
chim. bicarbonate {m} de calcium [Ca(HCO3)2]calcium bicarbonate
chim. bromate {m} de calcium [Ca(BrO3)2]calcium bromate
chim. iodate {m} de calcium [Ca(IO3)2]calcium iodate
chim. nitrate {m} de calcium [Ca(NO₃)₂]calcium nitrate
chim. nitrate {m} de magnésium [Mg(NO3)2]magnesium nitrate
chim. nitrate {m} de strontium [Sr(NO3)2]strontium nitrate
chim. nitrate {m} de zinc [Zn(NO3)2]zinc nitrate
chim. perchlorate {m} de magnésium [Mg(ClO4)2]magnesium perchlorate
chim. phosphate {m} de zinc [Zn3(PO4)2]zinc phosphate
internet web {m} 2.0 [aussi : Web 2.0]Web 2.0
unit centi- {prefix} <c> [10 ^ -2]centi- <c>
unit hecto- {prefix} <h> [10 ^ 2]hecto- <h>
hist. pol. paix {f} de Westphalie [1648] [aussi : traités de Westphalie]Peace of Westphalia [1648] [2 treaties which ended the 30 Years' War and the 80 Years' War and brought peace to the Holy Roman Empire]
pol. Ordre {m} de la Toison d'orDistinguished Order of the Golden Fleece [Catholic order of chivalry founded by the Duke of Burgundy in 1430. Today, 2 branches of the order exist, namely the Spanish and the Austrian Fleece ]
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