| French | English | |
| violent {adj} [tempête, bataille] | fierce [storm, battle] | |
Nouns |
| mil. paroxysme {m} [de bataille] | climax [battle] | |
| archéo. hist. mil. butte {f} de Zuran | Žuráň [ancient burial tumulus, site of Napoleon's command HQ for the Battle of Austerlitz (since 2005, extraterritoriality of France)] | |
2 Words: Others |
| âprement mené {adj} {past-p} [bataille] | hard-fought [battle] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| hist. pol. Grand Privilège {m} des Pays de par-deçà [1477] | Great Privilege [an instrument signed by Mary of Burgundy in 1477, following death of her father at Battle of Nancy. It reconfirmed the rights of Flanders, Brabant, Hainaut, and Holland] | |
| hist. la Reconquista {f} [la Reconquête] | The Reconquista [period in the history of the Iberian Peninsula between the Battle of Covadonga (718 or 722) and the fall of the Nasrid kingdom of Granada in 1492] | |
| cuis. veau {m} Marengo | veal stew [allegedly first made for Napoleon after winning Battle of Marengo] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} d'Abrittus [251] [aussi : bataille du forum Terebronii] | Battle of Abritus [251] [also: Battle of Forum Terebronii] [heavy defeat of Roman army by federation of Goths and Scyths] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} d'Andrinople [378] [aussi : bataille d'Adrianople ; aujourd'hui Edirne en Turquie européenne] | Battle of Adrianople [378] [also: Battle of Hadrianopolis] [overwhelming victory of the Goths over the Eastern Roman Empire] | |
| géogr. hist. mil. bataille {f} d'Azincourt [1415] | Battle of Agincourt [in 1415 English forces under King Henry V defeated numerically superior French forces in this important battle in the 100 Years' War] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} d'Antietam [1862] [aussi : bataille de Sharpsburg] | Battle of Antietam [1862] [also: Battle of Sharpsburg] [Union victory] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} d'Assandun [1016] | Battle of Assandun [1016] [also: Battle of Essendune] [Danish victory concluding their conquest of England] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} d'Austerlitz [1805] | Battle of Austerlitz [1805] [also: Battle of the Three Emperors] [Napoleon defeated the larger combined Russian/Austrian Armies, bringing the War of the 3rd Coalition to an end] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Hochstett [1704] [aussi : bataille de Blenheim ou deuxième bataille de Höchstädt] | Battle of Blenheim [1704] [major battle of the War of the Spanish Succession when the overwhelming Allied victory ensured the safety of Vienna from the Franco-Bavarian army] | |
| géogr. hist. mil. bataille {f} de la Moskova [1812] [aussi : bataille de la Moskowa ou bataille de Borodino] | Battle of Borodino [1812] [2nd major battle during Napoleon's invasion of Russia. The Grande Armée won the battle against the Imperial Russian Army, but failed to gain a decisive victory] | |
| hist. mil. Bataille {f} de Bouvines [1214] | Battle of Bouvines [the concluding battle of the Anglo-French War of 1213–1214.A French army under King Philip Augustus defeated an Allied army under Holy Roman Emperor Otto IV] | |
| hist. mil. bataille {f} de Buçaco [1810] | Battle of Buçaco [1810] [also: Battle of Bussaco] [major battle in the Portuguese mountains, which resulted in the defeat of French forces by Lord Wellington's Anglo-Portuguese Army] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Castillon [1453] | Battle of Castillon [decisive French victory in 1453 against England marked the end of the 100 Years' War. Considered the first major battle won through the extensive use of field artillery] | |
| hist. mil. bataille {f} de La Corogne [1809] | Battle of Corunna [also: Battle of Elviña] [early in the Peninsular War, the French Army humiliated the British Army and forced it to evacuate by sea] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Crécy [1346] | Battle of Crécy [1346, important battle in 100 years' war. French army commanded by King Philip VI was defeated by an English army led by King Edward III ] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille d'Edington {noun} [878] | Battle of Edington [878] [also: Battle of Ethandun] [Saxon army under Alfred the Great defeated the Great Heathen Army] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Gaugamèles [331 av. J.-C.] [aussi : bataille d'Arbèles] | Battle of Gaugamela [331 BC] [Alexander the Great defeated King Darius III] [also: Battle of Arbela] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Saint-Privat [1870] [aussi : bataille de Gravelotte] | Battle of Gravelotte [1870] [also: Battle of Gravelotte–St. Privat] [Prussian victory in largest and decisive battle of the Franco-Prussian War] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Guinegatte [1479] | Battle of Guinegate [in 1479, first battle in what became over 500 years of conflict between France and the Habsburgs, Battle won by the Habsburgs] | |
| hist. mil. relig. bataille {f} de Hattin [1187] [aussi : bataille des cornes de Hattin ou bataille de Tibériade] | Battle of Hattin [1187] [also: Battle of the Horns of Hattin] [Muslim armies under Saladin captured or killed the vast majority of the Crusader forces, and re-captured Jerusalem] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} d'Issos [333 av. J.-C.] | Battle of Issus [333 BC] [also: Battle of Issos] [Macedonian troops, under Alexander the Great, defeated the Persian forces] | |
| hist. mil. relig. bataille {f} de Jaffa [1192] | Battle of Jaffa [1192] [final battle of the Third Crusade, after which Saladin and King Richard I of England were able to negotiate a truce, though Saladin retained possession of Jerusalem] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Sadowa [1866] [aussi : bataille de Königgrätz] | Battle of Königgrätz [1866] [also: Battle of Sadowa] [Kingdom of Prussia defeated the Austrian Empire] | |
| géogr. hist. mil. bataille {f} de Krasnoï [1812] [ou bataille de Krasnoje] | Battle of Krasnoi [1812] [also Battle of Krasny] [fought during the final stage of Napoleon's retreat from Moscow. The Russians inflicted heavy losses on the remnants of the Grande Armee] | |
| géogr. hist. mil. bataille {m} de Leipzig [1813] [aussi : bataille de Leipsick ou bataille des Nations] | Battle of Leipzig [1813] [also: Battle of the Nations] [Coalition armies of Austria, Prussia, Sweden, and Russia decisively defeated the Grande Armée of Napoleon] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Lemberg [1914] | Battle of Lemberg [1914] [Russian defeat of Austro-Hungarian army] [also: Battle of Galicia] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Manzikert [1071] | Battle of Manzikert [1071] [also: Battle of Malazgirt] [decisive defeat of the Byzantine Empire by the Seljuk Empire] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Mühldorf [1322] [aussi : bataille d'Ampfing] | Battle of Mühldorf [1322] [Bavarian victory over the Habsburgs] [also: Battle of Ampfing] | |
| géogr. hist. mil. bataille {f} de Näfels [1388] | Battle of Näfels [in 1388, a decisive victory for the Swiss Confederacy and the last battle of the Swiss-Austrian conflicts] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Nancy [1477] | Battle of Nancy [in 1477, the final and decisive battle in the Burgundian Wars. The Duke of Burgundy was defeated and killed by Lorraine and Swiss forces (funded by France)] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} d'Audenarde [1708] | Battle of Oudenarde [1708] [also: Battle of Oudenaarde] [great victory for the Grand Alliance over France in the War of the Spanish Succession] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Peterwardein [1716] [auusi : bataille de Petrovaradin] | Battle of Petrovaradin [1716] [also: Battle of Peterwardein] [major victory of Habsburgs over the Ottomans during the Austro-Turkish War] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Poltava [1709] [aussi : bataille de Pultawa] | Battle of Poltava [1709] [decisive battle of the Great Northern War ; Russian army defeated Swedish army] | |
| hist. pol. bataille {f} de Prestonpans [Écosse : 1745] [seconde rébellion jacobite] | Battle of Prestonpans [1745] [also: Battle of Gladsmuir] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Ratisbonne [1809] [aussi : bataille de Regensburg] | Battle of Ratisbon [1809] [also: Battle of Regensburg] [final battle in Bavaria, Napoleon forced the Austrian army to retreat into Bohemia, leaving the way open for Napoleon to enter Vienna] | |
| hist. mil. bataille {f} de Rossbach [1757] | Battle of Rossbach [1757] [decisive battle in 7 Years' War in which the Frederick the Great's Prussian Army defeated a much larger combined French & Austrian Army] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Shiloh [1862] | Battle of Shiloh [1862] [also: Battle of Pittsburg Landing] [Union victory] | |
| hist. mil. naut. bataille {f} de Sinope [1853] | Battle of Sinope [1853] [ naval battle won decisively by Imperial Russia against the Ottoman Empire, during the opening phase of the Crimean War] | |
| géogr. hist. mil. bataille {f} de Smolensk [1812] | Battle of Smolensk [1812] [1st major battle of the French invasion of Russia, where the Grande Armée drove the Russian Army out of the city] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Forbach-Spicheren [1870] [aussi : bataille de Spicheren ou bataille de Forbach] | Battle of Spicheren [1870] [also: Battle of Forbach] [2nd of 3 critical French defeats in the Franco-Prussian War] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Stiklestad [1030] | Battle of Stiklestad [1030] [King Olaf II of Norway killed in battle against Farmer army] | |
| hist. mil. bataille {f} de Talavera [1809] | Battle of Talavera [1809] [major battle in the Peninsular War where British & Spanish forces defeated the Napoleonic Army outside Madrid] | |
| hist. mil. bataille {f} d'Ulm [1805] | Battle of Ulm [1805] [decisive battle where Napoleon trapped and forced the surrender of an entire Austrian Army] | |
| hist. mil. relig. bataille {f} de Wimpfen [1622] | Battle of Wimpfen [1622] [early battle in 30 Years' War; Protestant defeat] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Zenta [1697] | Battle of Zenta [1697] [also: Battle of Senta] [Holy League army decisively defeated the Ottoman army] | |