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| mil. pol. disloquer qc. [empire] | 2 to dismember sth. [empire] | |
Nouns |
| désintégration {f} | collapse [of an empire, of a family, etc.] | |
| géogr. pol. Géorgie {f} [État du Sud des États-Unis] | Georgia <GA> [Peach State, Empire State of the South] | |
| cuis. Kaiserschmarren {m} | Kaiserschmarren [popular dessert in Austria, Bavaria, and many parts of the former Austro-Hungarian empire] | |
| dr. hist. Miroir {m} des Saxons | Sachsenspiegel [the most important law book of the Holy Roman Empire, originating around 1220 as a record of existing customary law] | |
| hist. Tamerlan {m} | Tamerlane [founder of the Turko-Mongol Timurid Empire] [also known as Amur Timur] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| géogr. hist. pol. Autriche-Hongrie {f} [aussi : Empire austro-hongrois] | Austria-Hungary [also: Austro-Hungarian Empire] | |
| géogr. hist. pol. République {f} batave [1795-1806] | Batavian Republic [1795-1806] [successor to the Republic of the Seven United Netherlands, becoming the first of the "sister-republics", and later part of the French Empire of Napoleon] | |
| hist. Empire {m} byzantin [330 - 1453] [aussi : Empire romain d'Orient] | Byzantine Empire [330 - 1453] [also: Eastern Roman Empire] | |
| dr. sociol. Code {m} noir | Code noir [decree passed by King Louis XIV of France in 1685 defining the conditions of slavery in the French colonial empire] | |
| hist. mil. pol. guerre {f} de Crimée [1853-1856] | Crimean War [1853-1856] [ Russia lost to an alliance of the Ottoman Empire, France, the United Kingdom and Piedmont-Sardinia] | |
| hist. mil. naut. guerre {f} néerlando-portugaise [1601 - 1661] | Dutch–Portuguese War [1601 - 1661] [the Dutch gained an overseas empire at the cost of the Portuguese] | |
| hist. monarchie {f} des Habsbourg [aussi : empire des Habsbourg] | Habsburg Monarchy [also: Danubian Monarchy or Habsburg Empire] | |
| hist. pol. diète {f} impériale | Imperial Diet [Holy Roman Empire] | |
| hist. pol. relig. mamelouks {m.pl} | Mamluk Sultanate [also: Mamluk Egypt or the Mamluk Empire] | |
| géogr. pol. État {m} de New York [État des États-Unis, situé dans le nord-est du pays] | New York <NY> [Empire State] | |
| pol. Empire {m} parthe | Parthian Empire [also: Parthian empire] | |
| géogr. hist. pol. Empire {m} sassanide [aussi : Empire des Iraniens ou Empire néo-perse] | Sasanian Empire [also: Sassanid Empire, Second Persian Empire or Neo-Persian Empire] | |
| hist. pol. Triple-Alliance {f} de La Haye [1668] | Triple Alliance [1668] [between the Kingdom of England, the Swedish Empire and the Dutch Republic] | |
| hist. mil. pol. guerres {f.pl} xhosas [1779-1879] [aussi : guerres cafres] | Xhosa Wars [1779-1879] [also: Cape Frontier Wars or Kaffir Wars] [series of 9 wars between the Xhosa Kingdom and the British Empire] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} d'Andrinople [378] [aussi : bataille d'Adrianople ; aujourd'hui Edirne en Turquie européenne] | Battle of Adrianople [378] [also: Battle of Hadrianopolis] [overwhelming victory of the Goths over the Eastern Roman Empire] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Tchaldiran [1514] | Battle of Chaldiran [1514] [decisive victory for the Ottoman Empire over the Safavid Empire] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Göllheim [1298] | Battle of Göllheim [1298] [victory confirming Albert I of Habsburg as King of the Holy Roman Empire] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Sadowa [1866] [aussi : bataille de Königgrätz] | Battle of Königgrätz [1866] [also: Battle of Sadowa] [Kingdom of Prussia defeated the Austrian Empire] | |
| hist. mil. naut. bataille {f} de Lépante [1571] | Battle of Lepanto [1571] [fleet of the Holy League inflicted heavy defeat on the fleet of the Ottoman Empire] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Manzikert [1071] | Battle of Manzikert [1071] [also: Battle of Malazgirt] [decisive defeat of the Byzantine Empire by the Seljuk Empire] | |
| hist. mil. relig. bataille {f} de Muhlberg [1547] | Battle of Mühlberg [1547] [Holy Roman Empire defeated the Lutheran Schmalkaldic League] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Rheinfelden [1638] | Battle of Rheinfelden [1638] [French-Weimaran victory over a joint Bavarian and Holy Roman Empire army] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Salamine [480 av. J.-C.] | Battle of Salamis [480 BC] [decisive victory for the Greek city-states against the Persian Empire] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Samarra [363] | Battle of Samarra [363] [Sasanian Empire defeated Roman Empire] | |
| hist. mil. naut. bataille {f} de Sinope [1853] | Battle of Sinope [1853] [ naval battle won decisively by Imperial Russia against the Ottoman Empire, during the opening phase of the Crimean War] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de (la rivière) Talas [751] [aussi : bataille d'Artlakh] | Battle of Talas [751] [the Abbasid Caliphate and the Tibetan Empire defeated the Tang dynasty ending its westward expansion] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Vienne [1683] | Battle of Vienna [1683] [the Holy Roman Empire defeated the Ottoman Empire] | |
| hist. pol. congrès {m} d'Arras [1435] | Congress of Arras [in 1435, 1st international peace conference between France, England & Burgundy and observers from Aragon, Bohemia, Brittany, Castile, Denmark, Holy Roman Empire, and many more.] | |
| hist. mil. pol. conquête {f} de Tunis [1535] | conquest of Tunis [1535] [Habsburg Emperor took the city from the Ottoman Empire] | |
| géogr. hist. comté {m} de Hainaut [ou Hainau] | County of Hainaut [or Hainault] [territorial lordship in the medieval Holy Roman Empire, straddling today's border of Belgium and France; main towns Mons (BG) and Valenciennes (FR)] | |
| géogr. hist. comté {m} de Hollande | County of Holland [originally a State of the Holy Roman Empire and from 1433 part of the Burgundian Netherlands] | |
| géogr. hist. comté {m} de Zélande | County of Zeeland [county of the Holy Roman Empire in the Low Countries, covering an area in the Scheldt and Meuse delta (roughly today's Dutch province of Zeeland)] | |
| géogr. hist. duché {m} de Brabant | Duchy of Brabant [a State of the Holy Roman Empire established in 1183. Most of the duchy's former territories, are in today's Belgium except for the Dutch province of North Brabant] | |
| géogr. hist. pol. duché {m} de Carinthie | Duchy of Carinthia [a State of the Holy Roman Empire until its dissolution in 1806] | |
| géogr. hist. pol. duché {m} de Carniole [1363-1918] | Duchy of Carniola [1363-1918] [an imperial estate of the Holy Roman Empire, later a hereditary land of the Habsburg Monarchy] | |
| géogr. hist. pol. duché {m} de Clèves [1417-1815] | Duchy of Cleves [1417-1815] [a State of the Holy Roman Empire, situated in the northern Rhineland, today part in Germany and part in the Netherlands] | |
| géogr. hist. duché {m} de Limbourg | Duchy of Limburg [an imperial estate of the Holy Roman Empire, mostly today's Liège Province of Belgium] | |
| géogr. hist. pol. électorat {m} de Cologne | Electorate of Cologne [ecclesiastical principality of the Holy Roman Empire] | |
| géogr. hist. pol. électorat {m} de Mayence | Electorate of Mainz [ecclesiastical principality of the Holy Roman Empire] | |
| géogr. hist. pol. électorat {m} de Trèves | Electorate of Trier [ecclesiastical principality of the Holy Roman Empire] | |
| hist. mil. pol. chute {f} de Constantinople [1453] [Aussi : prise de Constantinople] | Fall of Constantinople [in 1453, the Ottoman Empire captured the capital of the Byzantine Empire, marking its end, and effectively the end of the Roman Empire] | |
| hist. mil. pol. première guerre {f} balkanique [1912 - 1913] | First Balkan War [1912 - 1913] [Balkan League forced the Ottoman Empire out of Europe] | |
| hist. pol. maison {f} de Croÿ | House of Croÿ [a family of European mediatised nobility, elevated to the rank of Princes of the Holy Roman Empire in 1594] | |
| géogr. hist. pol. royaume {m} d'Illyrie [1816-1849] | Kingdom of Illyria [1816-1849] [a crown land of the Austrian Empire] | |