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Dictionary French English: [English]

Translation 1 - 29 of 29

angliche {adj} [fam.]pom [Aus.] [sl.] [English]
angliche {adj} [fam.]pommie [Aus.] [sl.] [English]
angliche {adj} [fam.]pommy [Aus.] [sl.] [English]
géogr. La Corogne {f}A Coruña [historical English: Corunna or The Groyne] [city in Galicia, Spain]
ethn. ling. gullah {m} [aussi : geechee] [créole à base lexicale anglaise parlé par les Gullah]Gullah [also: Gullah-English, Sea Island Creole English or Geechee]
domestique {m}houseboy [Asian English, otherwise dated]
géogr. Clèves {f} [ville d'Allemagne]Kleve [traditional English: Cleves]
angliche {m} [fam.]pom [Aus.] [sl.] [English person]
angliche {f} [fam.]pom [Aus.] [sl.] [female English person]
angliche {m} [fam.]pommie [Aus.] [sl.] [English person]
angliche {f} [fam.]pommie [Aus.] [sl.] [female English person]
angliche {m} [fam.]pommy [Aus.] [sl.] [English person]
angliche {f} [fam.]pommy [Aus.] [sl.] [female English person]
2 Words
ling. anglais {m} irlandaisHiberno-English [Irish English]
3 Words
géogr. outre-Manche {adv}across the Channel [across the English Channel]
naut. battre pavillon [p. ex. français, anglais]to fly the flag [e.g. French, English]
géogr. hist. mil. bataille {f} d'Azincourt [1415]Battle of Agincourt [in 1415 English forces under King Henry V defeated numerically superior French forces in this important battle in the 100 Years' War]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Brouwershaven [1426]Battle of Brouwershaven [in 1426, was part of the (1345-1490) wars over control of the Low Countries and resulted in victory for the Duke of Burgundy against mainly English forces]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Crécy [1346]Battle of Crécy [1346, important battle in 100 years' war. French army commanded by King Philip VI was defeated by an English army led by King Edward III ]
hist. mil. bataille {f} de Patay [1429]Battle of Patay [in 1429, the culminating engagement of the Loire Campaign of the 100 Years' War, when the French cavalry inflicted a severe defeat on the English.]
hist. pol. charte {f} de Cortenbergh [1312]Charter of Kortenberg [signed by Duke of Brabant in 1312. Similar to, but broader than, English Magna Carta as it included all citizens and not just the Barons]
hist. maison {f} de LancastreHouse of Lancaster [cadet branch of the English Royal House of Plantagenet]
hist. maison {f} d'YorkHouse of York [cadet branch of the English Royal House of Plantagenet]
géogr. hist. mil. siège {m} de Calais [1346-7]siege of Calais [part of 100 Years' War. After victory at Crécy, King Edward III of England successfully besieged Calais which remained in English hands until 1558]
hist. pol. traité {m} d'Arras [1435]Treaty of Arras [1435] [diplomatic achievement for France in final years of the 100 Years' War. France & Burgundy were reconciled and from 1435, English rule in France underwent steady decline.]
hist. pol. traité {m} de Paris [1657]Treaty of Paris [1657] [allied the English Protectorate of Oliver Cromwell with King Louis XIV of France against King Philip IV of Spain]
4 Words
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Stamford Bridge [1066]Battle of Stamford Bridge [1066] [English army defeated invading Norwegian army]
hist. mil. journée {f} des Harengs [1429] [bataille des harengs] [bataille de Rouvray]Battle of the Herrings [Battle of Rouvray] [in 1429, part of the siege of Orléans in the 100 Years' War. English forces decisively defeated French forces attempting to intercept a supply convoy.]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
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