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Dictionary French English: [First]

Translation 1 - 54 of 54

pour la première fois {adv}first [for the first time]
originel {adj}original [first]
de première qualité {adj} [service]top [first-rate]
méd. apporter qc. [premiers soins]to administer sth. [first aid]
pol. ballotage {m}[absence of an absolute majority in the first round of an election]
adm. dr. immo. zone {f} d'intervention foncière <ZIF>[area in which the local government has buyer's right of first refusal]
hist. mil. compagnie {f} d'ordonnance[first standing army of late medieval and early modern France; forefather of the modern company]
éduc. cours {m} préparatoire[first year in primary school]
années {f.pl} 00aughts [first decade of a century]
années {f.pl} 2000aughts [first decade of a century]
hist. calendes {m}calends [first day of the month in the ancient Roman calendar]
débuts {m.pl}debut {sg} [first appearance] [also: début]
géogr. pol. Delaware {m} [État de la côte est des États-Unis]Delaware <DE> [The First State]
hist. pol. Directoire {m} [1795-1799]Directory [1795-1799] [also: Directorate] [governing five-member committee in the French First Republic from 1795 until 1799, when it was overthrown by Napoleon Bonaparte]
page {f} de gardeflyleaf [first page of a book]
trousse {f}kit [first-aid, puncture repair etc.]
jeux entame {f} [première carte]lead [e.g. first card in bridge]
mus. premier violon {m}leader [Br.] [first violin]
film mus. théâtre première {f}premiere [first performance of a production, film]
géogr. pol. l'Ouest {m}the West [First World countries; western USA]
2 Words: Others
d'emblée {adv}in one [coll.] [at first attempt]
2 Words: Nouns
film mus. théâtre première représentation {f}(world) premiere [first performance, showing ever]
géogr. hist. pol. République {f} batave [1795-1806]Batavian Republic [1795-1806] [successor to the Republic of the Seven United Netherlands, becoming the first of the "sister-republics", and later part of the French Empire of Napoleon]
édition édition {f} originaleeditio princeps [Latin: first printed edition of the work, that previously had existed only in manuscripts]
first-foot {m}first-foot [tradition in N. England and Scotland: first person to enter the home of a household on New Year's Day]
hist. pol. François {m} II [1768-1835] [empereur des Romains 1792-1806, François I d'Autriche 1804-1835 ]Francis II [1768-1835] [the last Holy Roman Emperor 1792-1806 and, as Francis I, the first Emperor of Austria 1804-1835]
hist. ling. typ. lettrine {f}initial letter [decorated first letter in old manuscripts]
hist. pol. Joyeuse Entrée {f}Joyous Entry [in Middle Ages, ceremonial first visit of a prince to his country,]
hist. Francie {f} médianeMiddle Francia [first state of Lotharingia]
math. phys. théorème {m} de NoetherNoether's theorem [also: Noether's first theorem]
géogr. hist. île {f} de Ternate [appartenant à l'archipel des Moluques]Ternate Island [first outpost of the Portuguese in 1512]
cuis. veau {m} Marengoveal stew [allegedly first made for Napoleon after winning Battle of Marengo]
hist. mil. pol. guerre {f} d'Hiver [1939-1940] [aussi : guerre soviéto-finlandaise ou guerre russo-finlandaise]Winter War [1939-1940] [also: First Soviet-Finnish War]
3 Words: Others
Commençons par le commencement.First things first. [idiom]
3 Words: Verbs
hist. mil. pol. traité {m} de Paris [1796]Treaty of Paris [1796] [between French Republic and the Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia during the War of the First Coalition]
3 Words: Nouns
géogr. hist. mil. bataille {m} de Bailén [1808] [aussi : bataille de Baylen]Battle of Bailén [1808] [the first open-field defeat of a Napoleonic army - by the Spanish Army of Andalusia]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Castillon [1453]Battle of Castillon [decisive French victory in 1453 against England marked the end of the 100 Years' War. Considered the first major battle won through the extensive use of field artillery]
hist. mil. naut. bataille {f} de Tchesmé [1770]Battle of Chesme [first of a number of disastrous fleet battles for the Ottomans against Russia]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Guinegatte [1479]Battle of Guinegate [in 1479, first battle in what became over 500 years of conflict between France and the Habsburgs, Battle won by the Habsburgs]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Marengo [1800]Battle of Marengo [1800] [French forces under First Consul Napoleon Bonaparte defeated and drove the Austrian forces out of Italy, consolidating Napoleon's political position]
hist. mil. relig. bataille {f} de Sablat [1619]Battle of Sablat [1619] [one of first battles in 30 Years' War; Protestant defeat]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Valmy [1792] [aussi : bataille ou affaire du camp de la Lune]Battle of Valmy [1792] [also: Cannonade of Valmy] [first major victory by the army of France during the Revolutionary Wars, preventing the Prussian Army marching on Paris]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {m} de Vimeiro [1808]Battle of Vimeiro [1808] [the British under General Wellesley defeated the French under General Junot, putting an end to the first French invasion of Portugal]
hist. mil. pol. première guerre {f} des Boers [1880-1881] [aussi : première guerre anglo-boer ou guerre du Transvaal]First Boer War [1880-1881] [also: First Anglo–Boer War, the Transvaal War or the Transvaal Rebellion]
hist. mil. relig. siège {m} de Béziers [1209]massacre at Béziers [1209] [also: sack of Béziers] [first major military action of the Albigensian Crusade]
hist. Philippe {m} le Beau [1478-1506] [Philippe de Habsbourg]Philip the Handsome [1478-1506] [ruler of the Burgundian Netherlands and titular Duke of Burgundy from 1482 to 1506 and the first Habsburg King of Castile (as Philip I)]
hist. mil. siège {m} de Toulon [1793]Siege of Toulon [1793] [Napoleon first won fame in the success by Republican forces against Royalist rebels supported by Anglo-Spanish forces]
hist. mil. pol. traité {m} de Brétigny [1360] [traité de Calais]Treaty of Brétigny [Treaty signed in 1360 between King Edward III of England and King John II of France, marking the end of the first phase of the 100 Years' War]
4 Words: Nouns
hist. mil. naut. bataille {f} de la baie de Manille [1898] [aussi : bataille de Cavite]Battle of Manila Bay [1898] [first major engagement of the Spanish–American War, ending the Spanish colonial period in Philippine history] [also: Battle of Cavite]
hist. pol. États {m.pl} généraux des Pays-Bas [1464]Estates General of 1464 [the first parliamentary assembly of representatives of the constituent territories of the Burgundian Netherlands]
hist. mil. pol. première guerre {f} anglo-birmane [1824 - 1826]First Anglo-Burmese War [1824 - 1826] [also: First Burma War]
hist. mil. pol. première guerre {f} italo-éthiopienne [1885 - 1896]First Italo-Ethiopian War [1885 - 1896] [also: First Italo-Abyssinian War]
hist. mil. pol. traité {m} de Campo-Formio [1797]Treaty of Campo Formio [1797] [signed by Napoleon and the Austrian Monarchy, ending the War of the First Coalition and left UK fighting alone against revolutionary France]
5+ Words: Nouns
hist. mil. pol. première bataille {f} de Bull Run [1861] [aussi : première bataille de Manassas]First Battle of Bull Run [1861] [also: Battle of First Manassas] [Confederate victory]
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