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Dictionary French English: [French]

Translation 1 - 50 of 170  >>

Sois ...
Be ... [French informal]
elle {pron}
it [French grammatically feminine verb subjects]
long comme un jour sans pain {adj} [loc.][French idiom for: very long and tedious or very tall]
sport Allez les Bleus ![shout of encouragement for the French national team]
Soyez ...Be ... [French formal or plural]
tutoyer qn.
[to address someone with the French familiar pronoun "tu"]
géogr. France {f} [République française]
France <.fr> [French Republic]
éduc. lycée {m}
lycée [French secondary school]
RadioTV carré {m} blanc [jusqu'en 1964 sur les écrans de télévision en France pour indiquer qu'un film n'était pas tout public]['suitable for adults only' sign on French TV]
cuis. Car-en-sac {f}® [confiserie][brand of French liquorice confectionery]
cuis. poutine {f} [can.][Canadian speciality : French fries topped with cheese curds and gravy]
dr. obligation {f} de quitter le territoire français <OQTF>[demand that someone leaves French territory]
ethn. géogr. domienne {f}[female French citizen who lives in, or comes from, a Département d'Outre-Mer]
cuis. vacherin {m} des Bauges [fromage] [aussi : vacherine de Savoie][French cheese produced in the Savoie region]
ethn. géogr. domien {m}[French citizen who lives in, or comes from, a Département d'Outre-Mer]
cuis. café {m} liégeois[French cold dessert made from lightly sweetened coffee, coffee-flavoured ice cream and chantilly cream]
cuis. vacherin {m} [gâteau][French dessert; meringue shell filled with whipped cream, fruit and ice cream]
naut. bisquine {f}[French fishing boat typically used for oyster fishing]
adm. occup. pol. Atelier et Chantier d'Insertion {noun} <ACI>[French government organisation for re-integrating long-term unemployed back into society]
cuis. géogr. pimentade {f}[French Guianan fish and chili dish]
naut. coup {m} de tabac [fam.][French maritime slang for: short and violent storm]
éduc. centre {m} régional des œuvres universitaires et scolaires <CROUS>[French regional organisation providing student bursaries, university halls of residence, etc.]
gris {m} [tabac gris][French shag tobacco]
alim. cuis. briquette {f} de brebis[French sheep cheese]
hist. louis {m} [fam.][French slang for: twenty francs]
mil. occup. poilu {m} [fam.][French soldier in World War I]
cuis. quiche {f} lorraine[French tart with a filling made of cream, eggs, and bacon or ham, in an open pastry case]
Bottin {m}®[French telephone directory]
internet trafic Bison {m} Futé[French traffic information service]
adm. ASSEDIC {f} [assurance chômage][French unemployment insurance agency]
adm. fin. ASSEDIC {f.pl} [indemnisation chômage][French unemployment insurance]
écon. fin. hist. assignat {m} [papier-monnaie émis pendant la Révolution][paper money issued during the French Revolution]
pol. l'hémicycle {m} (de l'Assemblée nationale)[plenary hall of the French National Assembly]
géogr. géol. Pénitents {m.pl} des Mées [aussi : Les Pénitents ou Rochers des Mées][rock formation near village Mées in the French Alps]
sociol. image {f} d'Epinal[simplistic 19th century print of traditional French life]
balle {f} [fam.] [franc][slang for franc, former French monetary unit]
cuis. canelé {m}[small French pastry flavored with rum and vanilla with a soft and tender custard center and a dark, thick caramelized crust]
cuis. bouillon {m} [établissement][traditional (late 19c or early 20c), spacious restaurant that usually serves traditional French cuisine, in particular a Bouillon (broth)]
cuis. fontainebleau {m} [spécialité fromagère][traditional French dessert; a combination of faisselle (a curd-like soft white cheese) and whipped cream]
cuis. flan {m} pâtissier nature[traditional preparation found in French patisseries, a base to which you can add fruit or other ingredients]
ethn. géogr. Acadiens {m.pl} [ethnie vivant principalement en Amérique du Nord]Acadians [ ethnic group descended from the French who settled early in now Canada]
hist. mil. vêt. bonnet {m} d'oursonbearskin [headgear worn by French grenadiers]
ling. belgicisme {m}Belgicism [Belgian French word or phrase]
cuis. ichtyo. brandade {f} de moruebrandade [dish based on salt-dried cod and olive oil, speciality from Nimes, served throughout French Mediterranean regions]
hist. brumaire {m}Brumaire [second month of the French revolutionary calendar. Approximates to November]
cuis. outil. cafetière {f} à pistoncafetière [Br.] [French press]
cuis. croquembouche {m}croquembouche [aussi : croque-en-bouche] [French dessert consisting of choux pastry puffs piled into a cone and bound with threads of caramel, often served at weddings]
hist. Dauphin {m} [fils aîné du roi de France]Dauphin [heir to French throne]
hist. pol. Directoire {m} [1795-1799]Directory [1795-1799] [also: Directorate] [governing five-member committee in the French First Republic from 1795 until 1799, when it was overthrown by Napoleon Bonaparte]
hist. floréal {m}Floréal [eighth month of the French revolutionary calendar. Approximates to May]
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