| French | English | |
| ling. eszett {m} [la lettre ß en allemand] | [the letter ß in German] | |
| géogr. Brunswick {f} | Brunswick [German city of Braunschweig] | |
| géogr. Franconie {f} | Franconia [German region] | |
| hist. mil. corps {m} franc | Freikorps [irregular military volunteer units, or paramilitary, that existed from 18C to the early 20C (mainly in German speaking countries)] | |
| hist. hobereau {m} [gentilhomme campagnard prussien] | Junker [a young German nobleman] | |
| hist. monnaie pfennig {m} [monnaie allemande antérieure] | pfennig <pf.> [former German currency] | |
2 Words |
| monnaie deutschemark {m} <DEM> | Deutsche Mark <DM, DEM> [former German currency] | |
| hist. pol. relig. Union {f} protestante [1608 - 1621] [aussi : Union évangélique] | Protestant Union [1608 - 1621] [also: Evangelical Union, Union of Auhausen, German Union or the Protestant Action Party] | |
| ethn. géogr. Allemands {m.pl} de Russie | Russian Germans [Russians of German ancestry] | |
| hist. relig. Unverified ordre {m} Teutonique | Teutonic Order [also: Order of Brothers of the German House of Saint Mary in Jerusalem] | |
| hist. relig. Unverified ordre {m} des chevaliers Teutoniques | Teutonic Order [also: Order of Brothers of the German House of Saint Mary in Jerusalem] | |
| littérat. Till {m} l'Espiègle | Till Eulenspiegel [jester in German literature] | |
3 Words |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Lutter [1626] | Battle of Lutter [1626] [army of the Catholic League defeated combined Danish-German force] | |
| hist. mil. pol. première bataille {f} de Nördlingen [1634] | Battle of Nördlingen [1634] [combined Imperial-Spanish force inflicted a crushing defeat on the Swedish-German army] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Tannenberg [1914] [maintenant Stębark en Pologne] | Battle of Tannenberg [1914] [German victory over Russia] | |
| hist. mil. pol. guerre {f} franco-allemande de 1870-1871 [aussi : guerre franco-prussienne, guerre de 1870 ou guerre de septante] | Franco-Prussian War [1870-1871] [also: Franco-German War or War of 1870] | |
| hist. pol. maison {f} de Hanovre [1635-1918] | House of Hanover [1635-1918] [also: House of Brunswick-Lüneburg, Hanover line] [German royal house that ruled Hanover, Great Britain, and Ireland at various times during the 17C to 20C] | |
| hist. pol. maison {f} de Hohenzollern [avant 1061 - 1918] | House of Hohenzollern [before 1061 - 1918] [German royal dynasty] | |
| hist. rafle {f} du Vél d'Hiv [1942] [Vélodrome d'Hiver] | Vel' d'Hiv' Roundup [1942] [mass arrest of foreign Jewish families by French police and gendarmes at the behest of the German authorities] | |
4 Words |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} du Lechfeld [955] | (Second) Battle of Lechfeld [955] [German victory, halting the Magyar incursions into Latin Europe ] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Dessau [1626] | Battle of Dessau Bridge [1626] [Imperial German Catholic forces defeated the Danish Protestant forces] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {m} de Marchfeld [1278] | Battle on the Marchfeld [1278] [decisive event for the history of Central Europe for the following centuries when the German king Rudolph I of Habsburg defeated king Ottokar II of Bohemia] | |
| géogr. hist. pol. Confédération {f} du Rhin [1806-1813] [aussi : États confédérés du Rhin] | Confederation of the Rhine [1806-1813] [formal: Confederated States of the Rhine] [German client states established after Napoleon's victory at Austerlitz] | |
| hist. mil. pol. seconde bataille {f} de Nördlingen [1645] [aussi : bataille d'Alerheim] | second Battle of Nördlingen [1645] [France and its Protestant German allies defeated the forces of the Holy Roman Empire and its Bavarian ally] [also: Battle of Allerheim] | |
5+ Words |
| hist. mil. pol. première bataille {f} des lacs de Mazurie [1914] | First Battle of the Masurian Lakes [1914] [German victory over Russia] | |
| hist. mil. pol. seconde bataille {f} des lacs de Mazurie [1915] | Second Battle of the Masurian Lakes [1915] [German victory over Russia] [also: Winter Battle of the Masurian Lakes] | |
| hist. mil. pol. guerre {f} de la Sixième Coalition [1813-1814] | War of the Sixth Coalition [1813-1814] [coalition of Austria, Prussia, Russia, UK, Portugal, Sweden, Spain and some German States defeated France and drove Napoleon into exile on Elba] | |