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French-English translation for: [Kingdom]
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Dictionary French English: [Kingdom]

Translation 1 - 62 of 62

géogr. Danemark {m} [royaume de Danemark]
Denmark <.dk> [Kingdom of Denmark]
géogr. Norvège {f} [royaume de Norvège]
Norway <.no> [Kingdom of Norway]
géogr. Espagne {f} [royaume d'Espagne]
Spain <.es> [Kingdom of Spain]
géogr. Suède {f} [royaume de Suède]
Sweden <.se> [Kingdom of Sweden]
géogr. pol. Aruba {f} [aussi : Pays d'Aruba] [un État du royaume des Pays-Bas]Aruba <.aw> [also: Country of Aruba] [a constituent country within the Kingdom of the Netherlands]
hist. Austrasie {f}Austrasia [Eastern Kingdom of the Rhineland Franks]
géogr. Belgique {f} [royaume de Belgique]Belgium [Kingdom of Belgium]
géogr. Bhoutan {m} [royaume du Bhoutan]Bhutan <.bt> [Kingdom of Bhutan]
géogr. pol. Curaçao {f} [un État du royaume des Pays-Bas]Curaçao <.an, .cw> [a constituent country within the Kingdom of the Netherlands]
géogr. Eswatini {f} [royaume d'Eswatini] [autrefois : Swaziland]Eswatini [Kingdom of Eswatini] [formerly: Swaziland]
hist. Francie {f}Francia [Kingdom of the Franks]
géogr. Groenland {m} [pays constitutif du royaume de Danemark]Greenland <.gl> [autonomous territory within the Kingdom of Denmark]
relig. royaume {m} des cieuxheaven [often instead of: kingdom of heaven]
géogr. hist. pol. royaume {m} de Macédoine [viie siècle av. J.-C. 168 av. J.-C.]Macedonia [ancient kingdom]
géogr. Pays-Bas {m.pl} [royaume des Pays-Bas]Netherlands [Kingdom of the Netherlands]
hist. Neustrie {f} [Royaume de Syagrius]Neustria [Kingdom in north west of today's France]
pol. oblast {m}oblast [a type of administrative division of Belarus, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, and Ukraine, as well as the former Soviet Union and the Kingdom of Yugoslavia]
pol. royaume {m}realm [kingdom]
géogr. Tonga {m} {f.pl} [royaume des Tonga]Tonga <.to> [Kingdom of Tonga]
géogr. hist. pol. Transleithanie {f} [1867 - 1918] [aussi : pays de la Couronne de saint Étienne]Transleithania [1867 - 1918] [also: Lands of the Crown of Saint Stephen or Arch-Kingdom of Hungary ]
géogr. hist. pol. Urartu {m} [aussi : Ourartou] [royaume constitué vers le ixe siècle av. J.-C. sur le haut-plateau arménien, autour du lac de Van]Urartu [also: Kingdom of Van]
2 Words: Nouns
hist. mil. pol. guerre {f} de Crimée [1853-1856]Crimean War [1853-1856] [ Russia lost to an alliance of the Ottoman Empire, France, the United Kingdom and Piedmont-Sardinia]
pol. comte {m} MarshallEarl Marshall [eighth of the Great Officers of State in the United Kingdom]
hist. Francie {f} orientaleEast Francia [Kingdom of the East Franks]
géogr. hist. pol. province {f} de Prusse-Orientale [1773-1824 et 1878-1918]East Prussia [1773-1824 et 1878-1918] [province of the Kingdom of Prussia]
pol. Entente {f} cordiale [1904]Entente Cordiale [1904] [signed between the United Kingdom and the French Republic]
géogr. Îles Féroé {f.pl} [pays constitutif du royaume de Danemark]Faroe Islands <.fo> [also: Faroes] [constituent country of the Kingdom of Denmark]
hist. pol. Couronne {f} de ferIron Crown [reliquary and one of the oldest royal insignia of Christendom. A relic from the Kingdom of the Lombards, used for the coronation of the Holy Roman Emperors as Kings of Italy]
hist. pol. royaume {m} ostrogoth [493 - 553]Ostrogothic Kingdom [493 - 553] [also: Kingdom of Italy]
géogr. pol. Saint-Martin {f} [aussi : le Pays de Saint-Martin] [un pays au sein du royaume des Pays-Bas]Sint Maarten <.an, .sx> [a constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the Caribbean]
hist. la Reconquista {f} [la Reconquête]The Reconquista [period in the history of the Iberian Peninsula between the Battle of Covadonga (718 or 722) and the fall of the Nasrid kingdom of Granada in 1492]
hist. pol. Triple-Alliance {f} de La Haye [1668]Triple Alliance [1668] [between the Kingdom of England, the Swedish Empire and the Dutch Republic]
hist. pol. royaume {m} wisigoth [418–718]Visigothic Kingdom [418–718] [also: Visigothic Spain or Kingdom of the Goths]
hist. Francie {f} occidentaleWest Francia [Kingdom of the West Franks]
hist. mil. pol. guerres {f.pl} xhosas [1779-1879] [aussi : guerres cafres]Xhosa Wars [1779-1879] [also: Cape Frontier Wars or Kaffir Wars] [series of 9 wars between the Xhosa Kingdom and the British Empire]
3 Words: Verbs
hist. mil. pol. traité {m} de Paris [1796]Treaty of Paris [1796] [between French Republic and the Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia during the War of the First Coalition]
3 Words: Nouns
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Sadowa [1866] [aussi : bataille de Königgrätz]Battle of Königgrätz [1866] [also: Battle of Sadowa] [Kingdom of Prussia defeated the Austrian Empire]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Megiddo [609 av. J.-C.]Battle of Megiddo [609 BC] [Pharaoh of Egypt defeated Kingdom of Judah]
Charles {m} le Téméraire [1433-1477]Charles the Bold [was Duke of Burgundy 1467-1477. Tried and failed to turn the Burgundian State into a territorially continuous Kingdom, leading to centuries of European disputes.]
géogr. pol. duché {m} de BourgogneDuchy of Burgundy [emerged in the 9th century as one of the successors of the ancient Kingdom of the Burgundians]
hist. pol. relig. édit {m} d'Expulsion [1290]Edict of Expulsion [1290] [royal decree expelling all Jews from the Kingdom of England]
hist. mil. pol. première guerre {f} ndébélé [1893 - 1894]First Matabele War [1893 - 1894] [decisive victory by British South Africa Company against the Ndebele (Matabele) Kingdom]
géogr. hist. pol. royaume {m} d'AragonKingdom of Aragon [a medieval and early modern kingdom on the Iberian Peninsula. In 1479, the crowns of Aragon and Castile were united to form the nucleus of modern Spain.]
géogr. hist. pol. royaume {m} d'Étrurie [1801-1807]Kingdom of Etruria [1801-1807] [Italian kingdom that made up a large part of modern Tuscany]
géogr. hist. pol. royaume {m} de Jérusalem [1099-1291] [aussi : royaume franc de Jérusalem]Kingdom of Jerusalem [1099-1291] [also: Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem or the Frankish Kingdom of Palestine]
géogr. hist. pol. royaume {m} de NavarreKingdom of Navarre [Basque kingdom that occupied lands on either side of the western Pyrenees, alongside the Atlantic Ocean between present-day Spain and France between 824 and 1620]
hist. pol. ligue {f} de Cognac [1527 - 1530]League of Cognac [1527 - 1530] [Alliance of Kingdom of France, Pope Clement VII, the Republic of Venice, the Kingdom of England, the Duchy of Milan, and the Republic of Florence]
hist. mil. relig. siège {m} de Jérusalem [1099]siege of Jerusalem [1099] [laying the foundation for the Christian Kingdom of Jerusalem, which lasted almost two centuries]
hist. pol. serment {m} du Jeu de paume [1789]Tennis Court Oath [a pivotal event in the French Revolution. In 1789, the members of the French Third Estate voted "not to separate until the Constitution of the kingdom is established"]
hist. pol. traité {m} de Compiègne [1624]Treaty of Compiègne [1624] [mutual defence alliance between the Kingdom of France and the Dutch Republic]
hist. pol. traité {m} de Compiègne [1635]Treaty of Compiègne [1635] [mutual defence alliance between the Kingdom of France and Sweden]
hist. pol. traité {m} de Compiègne [867]Treaty of Compiègne [867] [between the Kingdom of the West Franks and Brittany]
géogr. hist. pol. traité {m} de Constantinople [1913]Treaty of Constantinople [1913] [between the Ottoman Empire and the Kingdom of Bulgaria]
hist. mil. pol. traité {m} de Fontainebleau [1807]Treaty of Fontainebleau [1807] [secret agreement signed between King Charles IV of Spain and the French Emperor Napoleon, to drive the House of Braganza from and divide the Kingdom of Portugal]
hist. pol. traité {m} de Münster d'octobre 1648Treaty of Münster [October 1648] [between the Kingdom of France and the Holy Roman Emperor]
hist. pol. traité {m} de Paris [1718]Treaty of Paris [1718] [between the Regent of the Kingdom of France, Philip of Orléans, and the Duke of Lorraine, transferring ownership of lands in Grand Est and Saarland]
hist. mil. pol. traité {m} de Paris [1856]Treaty of Paris [1856] [ended the Crimean War between the Russian Empire and an alliance of the Ottoman Empire, the United Kingdom, the Second French Empire and the Kingdom of Sardinia]
hist. pol. traité {f} de Vereeniging [1902]Treaty of Vereeniging [1902] [ended the Second Boer War between the South African Republic and the Orange Free State, on the one side, and the United Kingdom on the other]
4 Words: Nouns
hist. pol. royaume {m} lombard [568 - 774]Kingdom of the Lombards [568 - 774] [also: Lombard Kingdom and later Kingdom of (all) Italy]
occup. pol. lord-chambellan {m}Lord Chamberlain (of Household) [Br.] [most senior officer of the Royal Household of the United Kingdom]
5+ Words: Nouns
géogr. hist. pol. convention {f} anglo-russe de 1907Anglo-Russian Convention of 1907 [also: Convention between the United Kingdom and Russia relating to Persia, Afghanistan, and Tibet]
hist. mil. pol. traité {m} de Paris [1856]Treaty of Paris of 1856 [to end the Crimean War between the Russian Empire and an alliance of the Ottoman Empire, Great Britain, the 2nd French Empire and the Kingdom of Sardinia]
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