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French-English translation for: [Old]
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Dictionary French English: [Old]

Translation 1 - 48 of 48

de façon démodée {adv}frumpishly [in an old-fashioned way]
bagnole {f} [fam.] [vieille auto]
banger [coll.] [old car]
bonhomme {m} [ex.: un vieux bonhomme]
fellow [ex.: an old fellow]
hist. meix {m} [vieilli][old name for a farmer's house]
mil. occup. grognard {m}[soldier of the Old Guard of Napoleon I]
vêt. culotte {f} bouffante [portée autrefois par les femmes]bloomers [old-fashioned female underwear]
auto tableau {m} de bordfascia [Br.] [dashboard] [old-fashioned]
vieux bonhomme {m}gaffer [old man] [dated]
vieux machin {m} [fam.]geezer [Am.] [coll.] [old man]
sport minime {m}junior [7-13 year old]
sport minime {f}junior [7-13 year old] [female]
arts kōlam {m}Kolam [traditional decorative Asian art that is drawn by using rice flour as per age-old conventions]
géogr. pol. Maryland {m} [État du Nord-Est des États-Unis]Maryland <MD> [Free State, Old Line State]
géogr. pol. Massachusetts {m} [État au nord-est des États-Unis]Massachusetts <MA> [Bay State, Old Colony State]
arts kōlam {m}Muggu [traditional decorative Asian art that is drawn by using rice flour as per age-old conventions]
équi. bidet {m} [fam.] [cheval]nag [coll.] [horse - especially pne that is old or in poor condition]
vieillard {m}oldtimer [Am.] [old man]
vieillarde {f}oldtimer [Am.] [old woman]
vêt. nippes {f.pl} [fam.]rags [coll.] [tatty old clothes]
vêt. hardes {f.pl} [vieux vêtements très usés]rags [tatty old clothes]
hist. monnaie sou {m} [ancienne monnaie française]sou [old French currency]
hist. monnaie unit talent {m} [monnaie]talent [old monetary unit]
géogr. pol. Virginie {f} [État des États-Unis] [aussi : Commonwealth de Virginie]Virginia <VA> [The Old Dominion, Mother of Presidents]
berges {f.pl} [fam.]years [as in 50 years old]
2 Words: Others
vieux jeu {adj}fuddy-duddy [coll.] [old-fashioned]
2 Words: Verbs
tech. décaper qc. [enlever la couche de surface avec du sable]to sand sth. off [remove old paint etc. with sand]
2 Words: Nouns
auto tas {m} de ferraille [fig.] [fam.] [vieille auto](old) heap [fig.] [sl.] [delapidated old car]
géogr. géol. Big Ben {m} [massif volcanique d'Australie situé sur l'île Heard] [aussi : mont Kaiser Wilhelm]Big Ben [also: Big Ben Peak, Old Ben Mountain, Emperor William Peak and Kaiser Wilhelm-Berg]
hist. pol. Frédéric {m} II de Prusse [1712-1786] [aussi : Frédéric le Grand or le vieux Fritz]Frederick II [1712-1786] [also: Frederick the Great or The Old Fritz] [King of Prussia from 1740 until his death in 1786]
hist. ling. typ. lettrine {f}initial letter [decorated first letter in old manuscripts]
hist. pol. rafle {f} de Marseille [1943]Marseille roundup [1943] [systematic deportation of the Jews of Marseille in the Old Port]
auto vieux tacot {m} [fam.]old crock [Br.] [sl.] [delapidated old car]
naut. (vieux) loup {m} de mer [fig.]old salt [coll.] [experienced old mariner]
vieillard {m}old-timer [Am.] [old man]
vieillarde {f}old-timer [Am.] [old woman]
3 Words: Nouns
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Dornach [1499]Battle of Dornach [1499] [victory of the Old Swiss Confederacy over the Swabian League]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Marignan [1515]Battle of Marignano [1515] [Francis I, King of France defeated the Old Swiss Confederacy ending the War of the League of Cambrai]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Sempach [1386]Battle of Sempach [1386] [decisive victory for the Old Swiss Confederacy against Austria - a turning point in the growth of Switzerland]
ling. expression {f} vénérablehoary (old) phrase [fig.] [old, overused]
hist. mil. pol. ancienne guerre {f} de Zurich [1440 - 1446]Old Zürich War [1440 - 1446] [war of succession within the Old Swiss Confederacy]
hist. pol. traité {m} de Bâle [1499]Treaty of Basel [1499] [between the Swabian League and the Old Swiss Confederacy]
4 Words: Others
Ce n'est pas mes oignons. [fam.] [loc.]That's not my pigeon. [coll.] [Br.] [old-fashioned]
4 Words: Verbs
film aller au cinémato go to the pictures [old-fashioned]
film se payer une toile [fam.] [loc.]to go to the pictures [old-fashioned]
faire des yeux de crapaud mort d'amour [loc.]to make sheep's eyes at sb. [old-fashioned] [idiom]
5+ Words: Others
C'est aussi sûr que deux et deux font quatre. [loc.]It's as sure as eggs is eggs. [Br.] [Aus.] [old-fashioned] [idiom]
Elle coiffe Sainte-Catherine. [fam.] [loc.] [vieilli]She remains an old maid. [old and still single]
C'est le bouquet ! [hum.] [fam.] [loc.]That really is the limit! [coll.] [idiom] [old-fashioned]
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