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Dictionary French English: [Second]

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indétrônable {adj}matchless [second to none]
éduc. cinquième {f} [classe][second year of high school]
hist. brumaire {m}Brumaire [second month of the French revolutionary calendar. Approximates to November]
unit hertz {m} <Hz>hertz <Hz> [cycles per second]
cuis. rab {m} [fam.] [portion supplémentaire]seconds {pl} [coll.] [second helping]
cuis. rabe {m} [aussi : rab] [fam.] [portion supplémentaire]seconds {pl} [coll.] [second helping]
supplément {m}seconds {pl} [coll.] [second helping]
occup. activité {f} annexesideline [second occupation]
années {f.pl} dixtens [second decade of a century]
comm. chasse {f} aux bonnes affairesthrifting [esp. Am.] [coll.] [second-hand shopping]
2 Words
de seconde qualité {adj}two-bit [Am.] [coll.] [second-rate]
hist. mil. relig. huitième croisade {f} [1270]Eighth Crusade [1270] [also: Crusade of Louis IX against Tunis or the Second Crusade of Louis]
comm. argumentaire {m} éclairelevator pitch [Am.] [also: 30 second sales presentation]
hist. mil. campagne {f} de Russie [1812] [guerre patriotique de 1812]Russian Campaign [1812] [also: French invasion of Russia, Second Polish Campaign or Patriotic War of 1812]
géogr. hist. pol. Empire {m} sassanide [aussi : Empire des Iraniens ou Empire néo-perse]Sasanian Empire [also: Sassanid Empire, Second Persian Empire or Neo-Persian Empire]
3 Words
à la seconde près {adv}on the tick [to the exact second]
hist. mil. pol. seconde guerre {f} de l'opium [1856-1860]Second Opium War [1856-1860] [also: Second Anglo-Sino War, the Second China War, the Arrow War, or the Anglo-French expedition to China]
hist. mil. relig. siège {m} d'Edesse [1144]siege of Edessa [1144] [loss was the catalyst for the Second Crusade]
hist. mil. pol. traité {m} de Paris [1801]Treaty of Paris [1801] [ending Russo-French hostilities in the War of the Second Coalition]
hist. mil. pol. traité {m} de Paris [1815]Treaty of Paris [1815] [also: Second Treaty of Paris] [ after the defeat and the second abdication of Napoleon Bonaparte]
hist. mil. pol. traité {m} de Paris [1856]Treaty of Paris [1856] [ended the Crimean War between the Russian Empire and an alliance of the Ottoman Empire, the United Kingdom, the Second French Empire and the Kingdom of Sardinia]
hist. pol. traité {f} de Vereeniging [1902]Treaty of Vereeniging [1902] [ended the Second Boer War between the South African Republic and the Orange Free State, on the one side, and the United Kingdom on the other]
4 Words
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Leipzig [1642] [aussi : seconde bataille de Breitenfeld]First Battle of Leipzig [1642] [also: Second Battle of Breitenfeld] [Swedish Army decisively defeated an Imperial Army]
hist. mil. pol. deuxième guerre {f} anglo-birmane [1852 - 1853]Second Anglo-Burmese War [1852 - 1853] [also: Second Burma War]
hist. mil. pol. seconde guerre {f} italo-éthiopienne [1935 - 1936] [aussi : campagne d'Abyssinie]Second Italo-Ethiopian War [1935 - 1936] [also: Second Italo-Abyssinian War]
5+ Words
hist. mil. pol. seconde bataille {f} de Bull Run [1862]Second Battle of Bull Run [1862] [also: Battle of Second Manassas] [Confederate victory]
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