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French-English translation for: [Switzerland]
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Dictionary French English: [Switzerland]

Translation 1 - 22 of 22

adm. dr. sociol. autorité {f} de protection de l'enfant et de l'adulte <APEA> [Suisse][administration for vulnerable children and adults in Switzerland]
ling. romanche {m} grison [langue-toit de Suisse][artificial umbrella language in Switzerland]
géogr. Vaudoise {f}[female citizen of Canton Vaud, Switzerland]
géogr. Vaudois {m}[male citizen of Canton Vaud, Switzerland]
éduc. maturité {f} professionnelle <MP> [suisse][professional maturity certificate] [Switzerland]
éduc. tech. École {f} polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne <EPFL>[public research university in Lausanne, Switzerland]
cuis. leberkäse {m} [terrine de viande][type of meat loaf found in Austria and parts of Germany and Switzerland]
cuis. fromage {m} d'Italie [suisse] [terrine de viande][type of meat loaf found in Austria and parts of Germany and Switzerland]
cuis. géogr. viande {f} des GrisonsBündnerfleisch [air-dried meat produced in the Grisons canton of Switzerland]
géogr. pol. Grisons {m.pl} [canton des Grisons]Bündnerland [canton of Grisons, Switzerland]
cuis. tomme {f}tomme [generic name given to a class of cheese produced mainly in the French Alps and in Switzerland]
2 Words
déjeunerto have lunch [but breakfast in Canada, Belgium and Switzerland]
hist. Maximilien {m} d'Autriche [1459-1519] [Maximilien Ier]Maximilian I [1459-1519] [Holy Roman Emperor from 1508 until his death. He married Mary of Burgundy, expanding his influence. However, he lost the original family lands in Switzerland]
3 Words
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Sempach [1386]Battle of Sempach [1386] [decisive victory for the Old Swiss Confederacy against Austria - a turning point in the growth of Switzerland]
géogr. Outre-Sarine {f} [suisse]German-speaking Switzerland [as viewed from French-speaking Switzerland]
géogr. sociol. Bruntrutain {m}inhabitant of Porrentruy [in Switzerland]
géogr. hist. pol. ancienne Confédération {f} suisse [1291 - 1798]Old Swiss Confederacy [1291 - 1798] [also: Switzerland or the Swiss Confederacy]
géogr. hist. pol. principauté {f} de Neuchâtel [1504-1806]Principality of Neuchâtel [1504-1806] [a historic principality in north-west Switzerland]
adm. assur. sociol. caisse {f} de compensation [suisse]social compensation fund [Switzerland]
4 Words
géogr. sociol. Bruntrutaine {f}female inhabitant of Porrentruy [in Switzerland]
géogr. arc {m} lémaniqueLake Geneva and environs [Switzerland]
5+ Words
adm. pol. Département {m} fédéral des affaires étrangères <DFAE> [Suisse]Federal Department of Foreign Affairs <FDFA> [Switzerland]
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