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French-English translation for: [an]
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Dictionary French English: [an]

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coudé {adj}bent [at an angle]
méd. chancreux {adj}cankerous [of an ulcer, sore]
sèchement {adv}drily [fig.] [in an unimaginative way]
sèchement {adv}dryly [fig.] [in an unimaginative way]
zool. éléphantesque {adj}elephantine [like an elephant]
de façon démodée {adv}frumpishly [in an old-fashioned way]
cicatrisant {adj} {pres-p}healing [of an open wound]
hideusement {adv}hideously [in an ugly way]
large d'esprit {adj}open [with an open mind]
cuis. plein de peau blanche {adj}pithy [of an orange etc.]
Cordialement, ...  la fin d'une lettre, d'un e-mail]Regards, ... [at the end of a letter, an e-mail]
attentionné {adj}thoughtful [of a an act or person: nice, attentive]
commander qc.
to order sth. [command, place an order for]
fin. capitaliser qc.
to capitalize sth. [reckon the value of an asset]
jouir [sexuellement]
to come [coll.] [have an orgasm]
réviser qc. [corriger, revoir, étudier avant un examen]
to revise sth. [correct, review, study before an exam]
jeux lancer et attrapercatch [children's game] [throwing and catching an object, e.g. a ball]
invoquer qc. [avoir recours à]to adduce sth. [as an example, evidence]
méd. vieillir qn. [physiquement]to age sb. [e.g. through an illness]
se rendre à qc. [appel]to answer sth. [e.g. an appeal]
se présenter [occasion, difficulté, problème]to arise [e.g. an occasion]
faire la manche [fam.]to beg [in an aggressive manner]
dr. faillir à qc.to breach sth. [a contract, an agreement, a promise, the law, etc.]
fin. capitaliser qc.to capitalise sth. [Br.] [reckon the value of an asset]
ratisser qc. [fouiller]to comb sth. [search an area]
pol. se porter candidatto contest [for an office]
pol. se porter candidateto contest [for an office] [of a woman]
méd. endormir qc. [anesthésie - nerf]to deaden sth. [nerve with an anaesthetic]
méd. succomber  ses blessures, à sa maladie, etc.]to die [of an illness, etc.]
dr. débouter qc.to dismiss sth. [e.g. an appeal]
aviat. procéder à un amerrissage forcéto ditch [of an aircraft: land on water]
domestiquer qc. [animal]to domesticate sth. [to tame an animal]
renoncer à qc. [idée]to drop sth. [e.g. an idea]
tirer à sa finto dwindle [draw to an end]
joindre qc. à une lettreto enclose sth. [place sth. in an envelope together with a letter]
considérer qc. [examiner]to entertain sth. [consider (an idea)]
éduc. se faire recalerto fail [an exam]
dr. faillir à qc.to flout sth. [an order, a rule, a law, etc.]
affabuler qc.to manufacture sth. [fig.] [esp. a false story or an explanation]
sport faire un petit-pont à qn. [fam.]to nutmeg sb. [coll.] [soccer, hockey, etc] [push / kick the ball (or puck) between an opponent's legs]
comm. implanter qc. [agence, cafétéria]to open sth. [e.g. an agency]
réussir qc. [examen]to pass sth. [e.g. an exam]
sport punir qc. [infraction]to penalise sth. [in soccer, an infraction against the rules] [Br.]
armes sport [tirer un fusil à air comprimé pour le plaisir]to plink [coll.] [shoot an air rifle for fun]
brusquer qn.to rebuff sb. [reject or refuse in an unkind of unfriendly way]
constr. urban réhabiliter qc. [un quartier, un immeuble]to redevelop sth. [e.g. an urban area]
narrer qc. [littéraire]to relate sth. [to give an account of an occurrence]
dr. sociol. squatter une maisonto squat [unlawfully occupy an uninhabited building]
faire taire qc.to squelch sth. [silence, put an end to]
commettre un adultèreto stray [have an affair, while married]
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