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French-English translation for: [as]
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Dictionary French English: [as]

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éduc. Plus est en vous.[A motto used by a number of colleges, including Gordonstoun School (Scotland), roughly translated as 'There is more in you'.]
en tout {adv}altogether [as a whole]
par conséquent {adj}consequentially [as a result]
lié {adj} [en rapport avec]incidental [occurring as a side-effect]
comme si {conj}like [coll.] [as if]
tel que {prep}like [such as]
fondu {adj} {past-p}molten [archaic as a past participle]
aussitôt que {conj}once [as soon as]
dès le moment {conj}once [as soon as]
écartelé {adj} {past-p}quartered [as in hung, drawn and quartered]
orn. échassier {adj}stilted [as if on stilts]
par conséquent {adv}thus [consequently, as a result]
peu apprécié {adj}unappreciated [not seen as valuable]
aussitôt que {conj}when [as soon as]
pendant que {conj}while [as]
enseigner [être enseignant]
to teach [as profession]
prétendre qc.
to claim sth. [state as a fact]
donner qc. [offrir comme cadeau]
to get sth. [acquire in order to offer as a gift]
reconnaître qc.to accept sth. [come to recognize as valid]
invoquer qc. [avoir recours à]to adduce sth. [as an example, evidence]
dr. homologuer qc. [valider]to authorise sth. [as valid] [Br.]
dr. homologuer qc. [valider]to authorize sth. [as valid]
internet ajouter qc. à ses favoristo bookmark sth. [webpage: save as a favourite]
internet mettre qc. dans ses favoristo bookmark sth. [webpage: save as a favourite]
comm. demander qc. [faire payer]to charge sth. [ask as a fee]
dr. homologuer qc. [valider]to confirm sth. [as valid]
être inhérent à qc.to embrace sth. [include or contain sth. as a constituent part]
prendre l'avionto fly [as passenger]
se rassembler [personnes]to gather [as people]
frimer [fam.]to grandstand [coll.] [act so as to impress onlookers]
faire de l'épateto grandstand [coll.] [act so as to impress onlookers]
dr. hypothéquer qc.to hypothecate sth. [pledge as security]
encourager qn./qc.to patronise sb./sth. [act as patron or sponsor] [Br.]
encourager qn./qc.to patronize sb./sth. [act as patron or sponsor]
sport évoluer [fig.] [jouer]to play [as a team player in a club, etc.]
clapoterto swash [to lap as water does]
sport faire de la natationto swim [as sport]
occup. travailler comme intérimaireto temp [work as a temporary employee]
éduc. marquer juste qc.to tick sth. [esp. Br.] [as correct]
ling. occup. être traductrice [traduire]to translate [as female translator]
ling. occup. être traducteur [traduire]to translate [as translator]
défiler [se dérouler] [images, paysages]to unfold [as one goes past] [images, landscape]
armes mil. militariser qc.to weaponise sth. [use sth. as a weapon] [Br.] [also fig.]
armes mil. militariser qc.to weaponize sth. [use sth. as a weapon] [also fig.]
cuis. cochonnaille {f} [fam.][products made from pork such as salami, bacon, pâté and ham]
bot. roucou {m}[seed of achiote bush, used to make red body paint, as well as a spice]
agr. mus. ranz {m} des vaches [suisse][simple melody traditionally played on the horn by the Swiss Alpine herdsmen as they drove their cattle to or from the pasture]
sport aérobic {f}aerobics {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.]
aviat. aéronautique {f}aeronautics {pl} [treated as sg.]
agr. sci. agronomie {f}agronomics [treated as {sg}]
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