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French-English translation for: [business:]
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Dictionary French English: [business ]

Translation 1 - 42 of 42

comm. croître [entreprise]to expand [business]
prospérerto flourish [business etc.]
Partial Matches
simagrées {f.pl}farce [ridiculous business]
directeur {m}manager [of business]
comm. être chancelantto ail [company, business]
écon. solvabilité {f}soundness [of a business]
comm. faire naufrage [entreprise]to collapse [a business]
péricliterto collapse [of a business, economy]
comm. être concluto go through [business deal]
comm. tourisme voyagiste {m} [tour-opérateur]tour operator [business]
tourisme agence {f} de voyagetravel agent [business]
de travail {adj}business [attr.] [suitable for business]
conforme {adj} [monde d'affaires]compliant [business rules]
comm. courtier-fournisseur {m}aggregator [business collecting financial info]
comm. transp. transports {m.pl} (routiers)haulage {sg} [Br.] [as business]
se maintenirto keep going [person, business, machine]
comm. prendre de l'envergure [loc.] [société]to expand [business]
panonceau {m} [de profession]plaque [of a business etc.]
alim. comm. usine {f} de torréfaction [de café]coffee roastery [business]
comm. tourner rond [entreprise, affaires]to be doing well [business]
comm. entreprise {f} d'achat groupéaggregator [business getting group discounts]
ind. antenne {f} [branche d'une entreprise]branch [of a business]
zool. chenil {m} [garderie pour chiens]kennels {pl} [business caring for dogs]
comm. naut. couler [navire, enterprise]to go under [e.g. ship, business]
faire prospérer qc.to make sth. prosper [e.g. a business]
faire prospérer qc.to make sth. thrive [e.g. a business]
dr. entrer dans qc. par effractionto break into sth. [house, business etc.]
comm. n'avoir qu'un personnel restreintto only have limited staff [business]
comm. prendre son essor [entreprise, industrie, région]to take off [idiom] [business: begin to succeed]
avoir pignon sur rue [fam.] [loc.]to be well-established [idiom] [shop, business]
faire attention à qc. [affaires]to take care of sth. [e.g. business]
comm. internet télécom. télétravail {m} [de la maison]working from home [connected to one's business computer]
occup. n'avoir qu'un personnel restreintto only have a small staff [business]
comm. reprendre qc. [prendre la suite]to take sth. over [business: by a son etc.]
mettre la clé / clef sous la porte [loc.]to close down [go out of business]
comm. par souci de conciliation {adv}as a gesture of goodwill [from a business or company]
comm. se mettre à son compte [loc.]to branch out on one's own [start own business]
se faire un devoir de qc.to make a point of doing sth. [make it one's business]
Landerneau {m} [péj.][small-minded community where everyone knows everyone else's business]
Le fric rentre à foison. [fam.] [Les affaires marchent bien.]The money's rolling in. [Business is thriving] [idiom]
comm. franchise {f}franchise [business, concept]
écon. débâcle {f} [ruine]crash [sudden failure or value loss of a market or a business, e.g. a bank]
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