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Dictionary French English: [by]

Translation 1 - 50 of 248  >>

éduc. Plus est en vous.[A motto used by a number of colleges, including Gordonstoun School (Scotland), roughly translated as 'There is more in you'.]
sinon {adv} [mot de transition]anyway [by the way]
chaque jour {adv}daily [day by day]
de jour en jour {adv}daily [day by day]
électif {adj}elective [achieved by election]
pol. électoral {adj}elective [achieved by election]
accidentel {adj}incidental [occurring by chance]
pol. sans étiquette {adj}independent [not belonging to or supported by a political party]
au même moment {adv}meanwhile [by way of contrast]
la nuit {adv}nightly [by / at night - later than evening]
le soir {adv}nightly [by / at night or late evening]
devant {prep}past [by, in front of]
apparenté {adj}related [by birth]
sonné {adj} {past-p} [fam.] [étourdi par un choc physique ou émotionnel]stunned [by a physical or emotional shock]
bruni {adj} {past-p}tanned [by the sun]
dr. acquis {adj}vested [interest: protected by law]
par l'intermédiaire de {prep}via [by the agency of]
inform. virtuellement {adv}virtually [by digital simulation]
retrouver qn. [rejoindre]
to meet sb. [by arrangement]
croiser qn.
to meet sb. [by chance]
trafic rouler [véhicule]
to ride [by vehicle]
envahir qc. [eau]
to engulf sth. [by flooding]
tendre qc. [corde, fil, câble]
to tighten sth. [by stretching out]
ranger qc. [par classement]to arrange sth. [by classification]
étreindre qn. [fig.] [oppresser]to constrain sb. [e.g. by pain]
météo. gêner qc. [événement]to disrupt sth. [e.g. by bad weather]
faucher qc. [par un cyclone]to flatten sth. [by a cyclone, explosion]
aviat. aller en avionto fly [by plane]
gagner du fric [fam.]to hustle [sl.] [to earn one's living by illicit means]
aller de pair avec qc.to involve sth. [include, be accompanied by]
se défendre [fam.] [se débrouiller]to manage [get by]
s'accorder avec qc.to observe sth. [adhere to sth., abide by sth.]
observer qc. [respecter - accord]to respect sth. [abide by]
bouchonner qc.to scour sth. [clean thoroughly by rubbing]
retourner qn.to shake sb. [e.g. by bad news]
décrocher qc. [fam.] [obtenir]to snag sth. [Am.] [coll.] [obtain by quick action or good fortune]
rafler qc. [fam.]to snag sth. [Am.] [coll.] [obtain by quick action or good fortune]
ajuster qc.to sort sth. [Br.] [coll.] [deal with something by repairing or organizing it]
spoiler qc. [fam.] [gâcher par des révélations]to spoil sth. [ruin by revealing]
faire durer qc. [approvisionnement]to stretch sth. [by saving]
pêcher qc. à la traineto troll sth. [fish by trailing bait]
visiter (qn./qc.)to visit (sb./sth.) [when a person, a visit to a sick person or prisoner by a doctor or priest, not a social visit]
méd. diminuer qn.to weaken sb. [e.g. by an illness]
télécom. câbler qc.to wire sth. [coll.] [to send, or send word to, by telegraph]
trottinette {f}
scooter [used by a child]
littérat. recueil {m} [d'un auteur]
collection [of works by an author]
hist. mil. chevauchée {f}[a raiding method of medieval warfare for weakening the enemy, primarily by burning and pillaging enemy territory]
sociol. envahissement {m} par les étrangers [péj.][feeling of being overwhelmed by immigrants]
agr. mus. ranz {m} des vaches [suisse][simple melody traditionally played on the horn by the Swiss Alpine herdsmen as they drove their cattle to or from the pasture]
éduc. vêt. faluche {f} [coiffe][traditional cap worn by students in France]
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