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French-English translation for: [can.]
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Dictionary French English: [can]

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Ouah !Gee! [Am.] [Can.]
aveuglant {adj}marvellous [Br.] [Can.] [NZ]
dubitatif {adj} [personne]skeptical [Am.] [Can.]
d'un air dubitatif {adv}skeptically [Am.] [Can.]
cuis. donner du goût à qc.to flavour sth. [Br.] [Can.] [Aus.]
mil. mettre qn./qc. hors de combatto immobilize sb./sth. [Am.] [Can.]
se rendre compte de qc.to realize sth. [Am.] [Can.] [be aware of]
journ. faire un reportage à sensation sur qc.to sensationalize sth. [Am.] [Can.]
auto camion {m}
truck [Am.] [Aus.] [NZ] [Can.]
cuis. flan {m} pâtissier nature[traditional preparation found in French patisseries, a base to which you can add fruit or other ingredients]
bot. T
bot. T
constr. plinthe {f} [de mur]baseboard [Am.] [Can.]
cuis. petit pain {m} au chocolatchocolatine [Can.]
dr. méd. occup. médecin {m} légistecoroner [Am.] [Can.]
monnaie sou {m} [can.] [fam.] [cent]dime [Am.] [Can.]
ordures {f.pl}garbage [Am.] [Can.] [Aus.] [household waste]
monnaie huard {m} [can.] [fam.]loonie [Can.] [coll.] [Canadian dollar]
maman {f} [fam.]mom [Am.] [Can.] [S.Afr.] [coll.] [mother]
vêt. salopette {f}overalls [Aus.] [Can.]
dr. pénitencier {m}penitentiary [Am.] [Can.]
hist. [qui peut être acheté avec un sou] {noun}pennyworth [dated] [amount one penny can buy]
chasse-neige {m}snowplow [Am.] [Can.]
spécialité {f}specialty [Am.] [Can.]
cannette {f}tin [esp. Br.: can]
équi. jeux tiercé {f} [courses hippiques]triactor [Can.]
occup. transp. camionneur {m}trucker [Am.] [Can.] [Aus.] [NZ]
ling. unilingue {m}unilingual [esp. Can.]
ling. unilingue {f}unilingual [female] [esp. Can.]
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
2 Words: Verbs
être excité comme une puce [fam.]to be jazzed [Am.] [Can.] [coll.] [idiom] [be enthusiastic or excited]
dépeindre qn. comme qc.to characterize sb. as sth. [Am.] [Can.]
2 Words: Nouns
cuis. spéculoos {m} [spéculos, spéculaus]almond cookie [Am.] [Can.]
chim. nitrate {m} d'aluminium [Al(NO₃)₃]aluminum nitrate [Am.] [Can.]
comm. constr. magasin {m} de bricolage <MSB>building centre [Can.]
cuis. sardines {f.pl} en boîtecanned sardines [Am.] [Can.]
cuis. biscuits {m.pl} de NoëlChristmas cookies {pl} [Am.] [Can.]
cuis. outil. moule {m} à découpercookie cutter [Am.] [Can.]
arch. immo. Unverified rez-de-cour {m}first floor [Am.] [Can.]
auto station {f} d'essencegas bar [Can.]
Fête {f} du TravailLabour Day [Can.]
pharm. sirop {m} de réglisselicorice syrup [Can.]
bureau {m} de postepostal outlet [Aus.] [Can.]
transp. camion {m} frigorifiquerefrigerated truck [Am.] [Can.] [Aus.] [NZ]
trafic ralentisseur {m}speed cushion [Am.] [Can.]
cuis. croquette {f} de pommes de terretater tot [Am.] [Can.]
agr. zool. barrière {f} canadienneTexas gate [Am., regional] [Can.] [cattle guard, cattle grid]
agr. bovi-stop {m} [bovistop] [suisse] [passage canadien]Texas gate [Am., regional] [Can.] [cattle guard, cattle grid]
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