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French-English translation for: [egg-laying]
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Dictionary French English: [egg laying]

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agr. orn. poule {f} élevée en plein airfree-range hen [for egg-laying]
agr. orn. pondeuse {f}layer [laying hen]
agr. orn. poule {f} pondeuselayer [laying hen]
disposition {f} [fait d'arranger - des couverts]setting [laying out]
hist. mil. relig. siège {m} de Jérusalem [1099]siege of Jerusalem [1099] [laying the foundation for the Christian Kingdom of Jerusalem, which lasted almost two centuries]
géogr. hist. mil. bataille {f} de Morgarten [1315]Battle of Morgarten [in 1315, the Confederates of Uri, Schwyz and Unterwalden defeated a Habsburg army, laying foundation for future independence of the Swiss Confederacy]
alim. cuis. jouets Kinder surprise {m}™ [œuf de chocolat avec jouet]Kinder Surprise™ (egg) [Kinder Egg] [chocolate egg with a toy inside]
entom. méd. lente {f}nit [head louse egg]
bot. zool. coquille {f}shell [egg, nut, mollusc]
casser qc. [ouvrir]to crack sth. [egg, nut]
cuis. œuf {m} à cheval[fried egg served on a hamburger]
agr. orn. jour {m} de la ponte [œuf]day of laying [egg]
cuis. boule {f} à thétea egg [chiefly Br.: egg-shaped tea infuser]
cuis. minuter la cuisson de qc.to time sth. [e.g. cooking an egg]
agr. alim. date {f} du jour de la ponte [œuf]date laid [egg]
agr. alim. date {f} de ponte [œuf]date laid [egg]
cuis. œuf {m} mimosaegg mimosa [chopped egg garnish]
cuis. sauce {f} tyrolienneTyrolean sauce [hard-boiled egg, white wine vinegar, dijon mustard]
cuis. tarte {f} normandeNormandy tart [classic French tart with apples, sliced almonds, topped with creamy egg custard]
cuis. mouillette {f}  tremper dans un œuf mollet]soldier [strip of bread for dipping into a soft-boiled egg]
cuis. sauce {f} gribichegribiche sauce [a cold egg sauce with mustard and other herbs]
cuis. escalope {f} de veau Holsteinescalope of veal Holstein [with fried egg and anchovy fillets]
cuis. croque-madame {m}croque-madame [baked ham and cheese sandwich served with a poached or lightly fried egg on top]
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