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Dictionary French English: [esp]

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malin {adj}
smart [esp. Am.] [clever, shrewd]
classe {adj} [fam.] [chic]
sassy [esp. Am.] [coll.] [stylish]
cinglé {adj} [fam.] [fou]batty [coll.] [esp. Br.] [crazy]
malotru {adj} [fam.]bolshie [esp. Br.] [coll.]
malotru {adj} [fam.]bolshy [esp. Br.] [coll.]
barjo {adj} [fam.] [jobard]bonkers [pred.] [esp. Br.] [coll.]
vantard {adj}braggadocious [esp. Am.] [coll.] [boastfull]
calciné {adj} {past-p} [brûlé]burnt [esp. Br.]
cool {adj} [fam.]cool [coll.] [esp. Am.]
moite {adj}damp [esp. skin]
canon {adj} [fam.] [séduisant]dishy [esp. Br.] [coll.] [attractive]
effronté {adj} [manières]fresh [coll.] [esp. Am.] [disrespectful, sexually forward]
gourde {adj} [fam.] [stupide]geeky [coll.] [esp. Am.] [socially inept]
boiteux [péj.] [handicapé]gimpy [coll.] [pej.] [crippled, esp. in legs or feet]
douillet {adj}homey [esp. Am.]
rayé {adj}hooped [esp. Br.] [having horizontal stripes]
exorbitant {adj}horrific [esp. prices]
cuis. glacé {adj} {past-p} [boisson : très froid ; gâteau : avec une couche de glaçage]iced [esp. Br.] [fig.] [drink: chilled; cake: frosted with thin sugary coating]
intérieur {adj} [national, domestique]inland [esp. Br.] [domestic, internal]
crevard {adj} [fam.] [avare]mean [esp. Br.] [miserly]
parcimonieux {adj}mean [esp. Br.] [miserly]
rapiat {adj} [fam.]mean [esp. Br.] [miserly]
Chouette ! [fam.]Neat! [esp. Am.] [coll.]
cocasse {adj} [fam.] [ridicule]nuts [coll.] [pred.] [esp. people]
sans distance {adj}obtrusive [esp. in relationships]
triste {adj} [plaintif]plangent [esp. literary] [of a sound: sorrowful]
turbulent {adj} [agité, remuant]rambunctious [esp. Am.] [boisterous]
occup. au chômage {adj}redundant [esp. Br.] [out of work]
N'importe quoi !Rubbish! [esp. Br.]
turbulent {adj}rumbustious [esp. Br.] [coll.]
louf {adj} [fam.] [loufoque]screwy [esp. Am.] [coll.]
alim. cuis. farineux {adj}starchy [esp. potatoes]
brass. œnol. gouleyant {adj}tasty [esp. of alcoholic beverages]
pompette {adj} [fam.]tiddly [esp. Br.] [coll.]
en conserve {adj} [des petits pois, etc. en c.]tinned [esp. Br.]
alim. en boîte {adj}tinned [esp. Br.] [e.g. food, beer]
en face {prep}towards [esp. Br.]
cocasse {adj} [fam.] [ridicule]wacko [esp. Am.] [coll.]
louf {adj} [fam.] [loufoque]wacko [esp. Am.] [coll.]
siphonné {adj} [fam.] [fou]wacko [esp. Am.] [coll.] [crazy]
patraque {adj} [fam.]wasted [esp. Am.] [sl.]
petit {adj}wee [esp. Scot.]
que dalle {pron} [fam.]zilch [esp. Am.] [coll.]
fin. imputer qc. [par ex. une dépense à un budget]
to charge sth. [esp. allocate to a budget]
s'attirer qc.
to obtain sth. [esp. knowledge, social standing etc.]
prendre un bainto bathe [esp. Am.] [take a bath]
aller se baignerto bathe [esp. Br.] [swim, go swimming]
cuis. faire des grilladesto broil [esp. Am.]
gerber [fam.] [vomir]to chunder [esp. Aus., NZ; also Br.] [coll.]
hydro. endiguer qc.to dike sth. [esp. Am.]
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