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Dictionary French English: [for]

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long comme un jour sans pain {adj} [loc.][French idiom for: very long and tedious or very tall]
sport Allez les Bleus ![shout of encouragement for the French national team]
adapté aux handicapés {adj}accessible [for people with impairments / disabilities]
sociol. aménagé pour les handicapés {adj}accessible [for people with impairments / disabilities]
dr. justiciable {adj} [de] [responsable]answerable [for] [responsible]
nommé {adj}  un poste]appointed [selected for a job]
au demeurant {adv}besides [for all that]
brièvement {adv}briefly [quickly, for a short time]
de travail {adj}business [attr.] [suitable for business]
méd. sociol. soignant [paramédical]caring {prefix} [descriptor for a person or place that gives care]
agr. inculte {adj}fallow [also fig. for: unused]
à cause de cela {adv}hence [for this reason]
curieux d'esprit {adj}inquisitive [for knowledge]
avide de savoir {adj}inquisitive [for knowledge]
préparatoire {adj}preparatory [in readiness for]
préparé {adj} {past-p}prepped [coll.] [short for: prepared]
caoutchouteux {adj} [aussi fig. pour viande dure]rubbery [also fig. for chewy meat]
édition contribution [journal, magazine etc.]submission [newspaper, magazine etc.: item for consideration, judging]
[fait de substituer qn. à qn. ou de se substituer à qn.]surrogacy [substitution for another person]
méd. local {adj}topical [for external use]
commander qc.
to order sth. [command, place an order for]
to stay [live for a time]
vêt. jarretelles {f.pl}suspenders [for stockings]
mus. occup. auditionner (qn.)to audition (sb.) [try for a role, try performers]
auto casser qc. [fam.] [voiture]to cannibalise sth. [coll.] [Br.] [car : for spare parts]
auto casser qc. [fam.] [voiture]to cannibalize sth. [coll.] [car : for spare parts]
réquisitionner qn.to conscript sb. [for forced labour / labor]
pol. se porter candidatto contest [for an office]
pol. se porter candidateto contest [for an office] [of a woman]
éduc. bloquer [fam.] [belge] [étudier]to cram [coll.] [for examination]
phys. stimuler qn./qc. [fig. pour personnes]to energise sb./sth. [Br.] [fig. for people] [fill with energy]
phys. stimuler qn./qc. [fig. pour personnes]to energize sb./sth. [fig. for people] [fill with energy]
prendre qn. [pour une mission]to engage sb. [e.g. for a project]
engager qn. [ouvrier]to engage sb. [for work]
haleterto gasp [for breath]
constr. calorifuger qc.to insulate sth. [for warmth]
nourrir qn./qc. [famille, enfant]to keep sb./sth. [provide for the sustenance]
manquer à qn. [inversion sujet/objet]to miss sb. [long for]
alim. comm. conditionner qc. [emballer - marchandise, aliments]to pack sth. [for sale]
se percherto perch [bird, also fig. for person]
être accroupito perch [bird, also fig. for person]
se tenir accroupito perch [bird, also fig. for person]
pincer qn. [aussi fig. pour arrêter]to pinch sb. [also fig. for arrest]
occup. placer qn. [procurer un emploi]to place sb. [find a job for sb.]
armes sport [tirer un fusil à air comprimé pour le plaisir]to plink [coll.] [shoot an air rifle for fun]
traquer qn./qc.to predate sb./sth. [prey on, hunt for]
rechercher qc. [excellence]to pursue sth. [aim for]
venger qc.to requite sth. [literary] [take revenge for]
remettre qc. à plus tardto shelve sth. [not continue for a while]
remettre qc. aux calendes grecques [loc.]to shelve sth. [not continue for a while]
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