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French-English translation for: [line]
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Dictionary French English: [line]

Translation 1 - 29 of 29

ichtyo. mouiller qc. [ligne]to cast sth. [e.g. fishing line]
rangée {f} [maisons, sièges, livres]
row [line]
arrière {m}back [rear, hidden or last in line]
fluctuation {f} soudaine [sur un graphique]blip [sharp deviation on a graph from a straight line]
dr. collatéral {m} [succession, ligne]collateral [succession, line of descent]
télécom. grésillement {m} [du téléphone]crackling [interference on telephone line]
comm. ind. arrêt {m} de la productiondiscontinuation [of a product line]
aviat. sport flotteur {m}float [seaplane, fishing line]
chasse hameçon {m}hook [on a fishing line]
ind. chaîne {f} [de montage]line [assembly line]
descendance {f}lineage [line of descendants]
mus. RadioTV théâtre programmation {f} [musique, spectacle, émission]lineup [also: line-up] [music, acts billed for a show, schedule of events]
géogr. pol. Maryland {m} [État du Nord-Est des États-Unis]Maryland <MD> [Free State, Old Line State]
hist. mus. neumes {f.pl}neumes [basic elements of musical notation before the invention of five-line staff notation]
typ. fin {f} de lignereturn [line break]
rang {m} [gens, plantes, points]row [line]
sport départ {m}start [starting line]
astron. terminateur {m}terminator [dividing line between day and night]
2 Words
laisser courir qc. [fam.]to pay out sth. [fishing line, cable]
filer qc. [corde etc.]to pay sth. out [e.g. rope, line: slacken gradually]
géogr. ligne {f} Mason-DixonMason–Dixon line [also: Mason and Dixon line or Mason's and Dixon's line]
géogr. orn. zool. ligne {f} WallaceWallace line [also: Wallace's line]
3 Words
comm. ind. annonce {f} d'arrêt de la productionannouncement of discontinuation [of a product line]
hist. pol. maison {f} de Hanovre [1635-1918]House of Hanover [1635-1918] [also: House of Brunswick-Lüneburg, Hanover line] [German royal house that ruled Hanover, Great Britain, and Ireland at various times during the 17C to 20C]
4 Words
méd. être sous perfusionto be on an IV [short for: ... an intravenous line]
mil. s'embusquer [fig.] [obtenir une affectation loin du front]to get a cushy posting [idiom] [away from the front line]
méd. mettre qn. sous perfusionto insert an IV in sb. [short for: ... an intravenous line]
étendre le lingeto put the washing out [on a line]
hist. pol. Charles {m} IV le Bel [1294-1328] [aussi : Charles de la Marche]Charles IV the Fair [1294-1328] [last king of the direct line of the House of Capet, King of France from 1322 to 1328]
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