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French-English translation for: [made]
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Dictionary French English: [made]

Translation 1 - 52 of 52

de fer {adj}iron [attr.] [made of, containing iron]
en fer {adj}iron [attr.] [made of, containing iron]
d'ivoire {adj}ivory [made from elephant's tusk]
en ivoire {adj}ivory [made from elephant's tusk]
en jade {adv}jade [attr.] [made of jade]
textile de soie {adj}silk [attr.] [made of silk]
de bois {adj}wood [attr.] [made of wood]
cuis. tartiflette {f}[dish from Savoy in the French Alps, made with potatoes, reblochon cheese, lardons and onions]
cuis. café {m} liégeois[French cold dessert made from lightly sweetened coffee, coffee-flavoured ice cream and chantilly cream]
cuis. quiche {f} lorraine[French tart with a filling made of cream, eggs, and bacon or ham, in an open pastry case]
cuis. mouclade {f}[meal made from mussels]
cuis. cochonnaille {f} [fam.][products made from pork such as salami, bacon, pâté and ham]
cuis. financier {m}[rectangular sponge finger made with almonds]
cuis. beurre {m} blanc[sauce made of butter, vinegar and shallots]
cuis. sauce {f} (au) vin jaune[sauce made with Jura yellow wine]
cuis. bruns {m.pl} de Bâle [suisse][Swiss Christmas biscuit made from chocolate and cinnamon]
cuis. ajvar {m}ajvar [condiment made principally from sweet bell peppers and eggplants]
cuis. aligot {m}aligot [dish made from cheese blended into mashed potatoes (often with some garlic) that is made in L'Aubrac region in the southern Massif Central of France]
cuis. andouillette {f}andouillette [sausage made from chitterlings (small intestines of a pig)]
vêt. grenouillère {f}Babygro® [all-in-one babysuit made from stretch fabric]
cuis. calisson {m}calisson [confection made with almonds]
cuis. outil. cassole {f}cassole [conical earthenware container, made from red clay and glazed inside]
hist. mil. vêt. chausses {f.pl}chausses [armour for the legs, usually made from mail]
cuis. chouchen {m}chouchen [alcoholic beverage native to Brittany. A form of mead, made from the fermentation of honey in water]
sylv. taillis {m}copse [man-made]
cuis. flan {m}flan [Am.] [dessert made with eggs]
cuis. caramel {m} moufudge [made with sugar and butter]
cuis. garbure {f}Garbure [thick French stew made with ham, cabbage and other vegetables, cheese, stale bread]
grotte {f} [construction artificielle]grotto [man-made]
cuis. millefeuille {m}millefeuille [small layered cake made of puff pastry filled with custard and cream]
alim. cuis. mistelle {f}mistelle [made by adding alcohol to non-fermented or partially fermented grape juice or apple juice]
cuis. paris-brest {m}Paris–Brest [French dessert made of choux pastry and a praline cream, covered with flaked almonds]
coup {m} de poingpunch [blow made with the fist]
cuis. reblochon {m} de Savoiereblochon [cheese made in the Alpine region of Haute-Savoie]
cuis. semoule {f} de blé dursemolina [made from durum wheat]
cuis. outil. couvert {m} de table [aussi : couverts]silverware [cutlery, not necessarily made of silver]
cuis. snowball {m} [cocktail]snowball [drink made with advocaat]
cachet {m}  l'encre]stamp [made by an official on a passport etc.]
cuis. tahina {m}tahini [condiment made from toasted ground hulled sesame]
adm. dr. géogr. parcellaire {m}territory [made up of plots of land]
2 Words: Nouns
cuis. pudding {m}  base de pain rassis]bread pudding [dessert made with bread and fruit]
cuis. veau {m} Marengoveal stew [allegedly first made for Napoleon after winning Battle of Marengo]
cuis. œnol. vin {m} grisvin gris [variant of rosé wine made from red grapes, in particular Pinot noir]
cuis. White Russian {m} [aussi : Russe blanc]White Russian [cocktail made with vodka, coffee liqueur and cream]
œnol. vin {m} jaune du Jurayellow wine [special and characteristic type of white wine made in the Jura region]
3 Words: Nouns
cuis. couque {f} de Dinant [belge]cake of Dinant [hard biscuit made solely from wheat flour and honey]
cuis. galette {f} de pommes de terrefried potato patty [made from shredded potatoes]
géogr. hist. pol. royaume {m} d'Étrurie [1801-1807]Kingdom of Etruria [1801-1807] [Italian kingdom that made up a large part of modern Tuscany]
hist. pol. relig. paix {f} d'Augsbourg [1555]Peace of Augsburg [1555] [made the legal division of Christianity (Lutheranism or Roman Catholicism) permanent within the Holy Roman Empire]
4 Words: Others
cuis. [sorte de pain perdu]bread and butter pudding [dessert made with bread and eggs]
4 Words: Nouns
cuis. géogr. boulets {m.pl} à la liégeoise [aussi : boulets sauce lapin, boulets (sauce) chasseur, ou Boulets]boulets à la liégeoise [Belgian traditional speciality made from balls of mixed minced pork and beef in a sweet-sour sauce]
œnol. sélection {f} de grains nobles <SGN>selection of noble berries [wines made from grapes affected by noble rot]
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