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French-English translation for: [not]
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Dictionary French English: [not]

Translation 1 - 50 of 110  >>

lâche {adj}
loose [clothing, belt, bowstring, rope: not tight]
laïque {adj}
secular [not religious]
isolément {adv}apart [isolated, not part of a group]
en bref {adv}briefly [in few words, not in detail]
fichu {adj} {past-p} [fam.] [détruit]broken [in pieces; not functioning]
Unverified flambé {adj} [fam.] [fichu]broken [in pieces; not functioning]
foutu {adj} {past-p} [fam.]broken [in pieces; not functioning]
courbé {adj}crooked [not straight]
croche {adj} [courbé, crochu]crooked [not straight]
dr. [représentation d'une personne frappée d'incapacité mentale qui n'a pas donné de procuration durable]deputyship [Br.] [representation of a mentally incapacitated person who has not authorised a lasting power of attorney]
nationalement {adv} [au niveau national]domestically [not outside the country]
inélégant {adj}dowdy [not stylish]
faux {adj}dummy [attr.] [fake, not real]
acquis {adj} [reconnu, sûr]established [not doubtful]
superflu {adj}extraneous [not essential]
oisif {adj}idle [not engaged in any activity]
ne ... pas {adv}ill [deserve: not]
imprudemment {adv}imprudently [not cautiously]
inachevé {adj}inchoate [not yet completely formed]
inclusif {adj}inclusive [not excluding any particular groups of people]
injustifiable {adj}indefensible [not justifiable]
pol. sans étiquette {adj}independent [not belonging to or supported by a political party]
blasé {adj} [indifférent]indifferent [not important or interesting]
[pas divisible ou pas divisé en parts] {adj}indiscrete [rare] [not divided into distinct parts]
peu glorieux {adj}inglorious [not celebrated or glorified]
convers {adj}lay [not a member of a religious order]
profane {adj} [non initié]lay [not professional]
laïque {adj}lay [not religious]
peu de {adj}little [not much]
faux {adj}mock [not real]
aucun {adj}nil [no, not any]
mauvais {adj}off [food: bad, not fresh]
électr. inform. allumé {adj}on [running, not switched off]
incompréhensible {adj}opaque [hard to understand, not clear]
sommaire {adj}sketchy [coll.] [incomplete, not thorough]
superficiel {adj}sketchy [not detailed]
à jeun {adj} [fam.] [sans avoir bu]sober [not drunk]
pas assez sévère {adj}soft [sometimes pej.] [not strict]
aéré [non surchargé]spacious [room: not overfull]
non gazeux {adj}still [drink: not fizzy]
peu sérieux {adj}truant [not dutiful]
indésirable {adj}uninvited [person: not welcome]
peu profitable {adj} [inutile]unprofitable [fig.] [not worthwhile or productive]
peu rentable {adj}unprofitable [not making money]
indisposé {adj}unwell [not very well]
facultatif {adj}voluntary [not compulsory]
se décommanderto cancel [decide not to attend a meeting]
baiser qc.to kiss sth. [forehead, hand, etc but not mouth]
compt. fin. thésauriser qc.to retain sth. [not distribute profits]
remettre qc. à plus tardto shelve sth. [not continue for a while]
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