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Dictionary French English: [off]

Translation 1 - 35 of 35

rébarbatif {adj}forbidding [off-putting]
frimant {adj} {pres-p}grandstanding [showing off]
arts ivoire {adj}ivory [attr.] [off-white colour]
arts blanc cassé {adj}ivory [attr.] [off-white colour]
électr. inform. allumé {adj}on [running, not switched off]
décrocher qc.
to unhook sth. [e.g., a wagon or take a phone off the hook]
abandonner qc. [une course, etc.]to break sth. [break off]
bouleverser qn.to discombobulate sb. [confuse, throw off balance]
perturber qn.to discombobulate sb. [confuse, throw off balance]
tomber en floconsto flake [come off in flakes]
s'enlever [disparaître]to go [clear off]
dégager de la vapeurto steam [give off vapour]
chapitrer qn.to whip sb. [fig.] [tell sb. off]
pointage {m} [d'une liste, d'un texte]checking [ticking off]
occup. congé {m} [arrêt de travail]leave [ime off from work]
2 Words: Others
Va te faire enculer ! [vulg.] [péj.]Eff off! [Br.] [sl.] [Fuck off!]
2 Words: Verbs
se tirer [fam.] [s'enfuir]to beat it [coll.] [clear off]
se faire la belle [loc.]to bunk (off) [Br.] [sl.] [to run off]
se débiner [fam.]to bunk off [Br.] [coll.] [to run off]
décamper [fam.]to clear out [Am.] [coll.] [run off]
dévier [trajectoire]to go awry [stray off course]
s'ébranler [convoi, train]to pull away [set off]
mettre sur pied qc. [créer]to pull sth. together [get off the ground] [idiom]
2 Words: Nouns
mus. casserole {f} [fam.] [instrument de musique]flat instrument [off-key instrument]
géogr. Vieux Rhin {m}Old Rhine [cut-off section of the earlier Rhine]
3 Words: Verbs
occup. passer à la caisse [loc.] [être renvoyé]to be let go [euphem.] [to get fired or laid off]
cuver son vin [loc.] [dessaouler]to ferment one's wine [idiom] [sober up, sleep it off]
passer du coq à l'âne [loc.]to go off track [idiom] [to go off topic]
sauter du coq à l'âne [loc.]to go off track [idiom] [to go off topic]
passer du coq à l'âne [loc.]to lose the thread [idiom] [to go off topic]
sauter du coq à l'âne [loc.]to lose the thread [idiom] [to go off topic]
3 Words: Nouns
hist. pol. Guillaume {m} le Taciturne [1533-1584] [aussi : Guillaume I d'Orange-Nassau]William the Silent [1533-1584] [also: William the Taciturn or William of Orange] [leader of the Dutch Revolt against the Spanish Habsburgs that set off the Eighty Years' War (1568–1648)]
4 Words: Verbs
écon. démarrer [économie]to get off the ground [take off] [economy]
méd. débrancher qn. [fig.] [fam.] [couper un appareil qui maintient en vie]to pull the plug on sb. [coll.] [idiom] [turn off life support]
5+ Words: Others
Il m'aimeil ne m'aime pas. [effeuiller la marguerite]He loves mehe loves me not. [spoken while picking one petal off a flower (usually an ox-eye daisy) for each phrase]
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