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French-English translation for: [one]
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Dictionary French English: [one]

Translation 1 - 50 of 180  >>

d'un côté à l'autre de {prep}across [from one side to the other of]
d'un côté à l'autre {adv}across [from one side to the other]
n'importe lequel {pron}any [no matter which one]
à l'écart {adv}apart [on one side, separated, secluded]
cuis. Cul sec !Chug! [to empty the glass in one go]
à l'étage en dessous {adv}downstairs [one floor down]
anat. monoculaire {adj}monocular [involving only one eye]
anat. borgne {adj}monocular [one-eyed]
sédentaire {adj}settled [living in one place]
to squat [go down on one's haunches]
s'évaserto flare [widen at one end]
sport avoir un tour (de piste) d'avance sur qn.to lap sb. [be one lap ahead of]
arts dégrader qc. [couleurs]to shade sth. [into one another] [colours / colors]
louper qc. [fam.]to tank sth. [coll.] [do less well than one could have done]
défiler [se dérouler] [images, paysages]to unfold [as one goes past] [images, landscape]
vêt. pantalon {m}
pants {pl} [one pair] [Am.]
interlocuteur {m} [dans une conversation]
interlocutor [male person to whom one is talking]
vêt. pantalon {m}
trousers {pl} [one pair]
sociol. famille {f} homoparentale[LGBT adults parenting one or more children]
dr. peine {f} de police[penalty of one day to two months imprisonment]
déhanchement {m} [posture][standing with one's weight on one leg]
ling. méd. aphérèse {f} [perte au début d'un mot]aphaeresis [Br.] [loss of one or more sounds from the beginning of a word; donation of blood cells]
ling. méd. aphérèse {f} [perte au début d'un mot]apheresis [Am.] [loss of one or more sounds from the beginning of a word; donation of blood cells]
vêt. grenouillère {f}Babygro® [all-in-one babysuit made from stretch fabric]
hist. béguine {f}beguine [member of one of various ascetic and philanthropic communities of women not under vows founded chiefly in the Netherlands in the 13C]
sport birdie {m} [golf]birdie [golf] [one under par]
sport bogey {m}bogey [in golf] [one over par]
vêt. slip {m} [hommes]briefs {pl} [men's underpants] [one pair]
vêt. jupe-culotte {f}culottes {pl} [one pair]
cuis. méd. régime {m} alimentairediet [what one eats or what one is advised to eat]
arts math. outil. compas {m} à pointes sèchesdividers [one pair]
optique bésicles {m.pl} [arch., hum.]eyeglasses {pl} [one pair] [esp. Am.]
optique bésicles {m.pl} [arch., hum.]glasses {pl} [one pair]
optique bésicles {m.pl} [arch., hum.]goggles {pl} [coll.] [one pair of glasses]
anat. méd. hexadactylie {f}hexadactylism [the presence of six digits on one or both hands or feet]
anat. méd. hexadactylie {f}hexadactyly [the presence of six digits on one or both hands or feet]
jour {m} fériéholiday [one day]
interlocutrice {f} [dans une conversation]interlocutor [female person to whom one is talking]
vêt. pantalon {m} de joggingjoggers {pl} [one pair] [trousers worn especially for jogging]
vêt. pantalon {m} de joggingjogpants {pl} [Am.] [one pair]
vêt. slip {m}knickers {pl} [panties] [one pair]
vêt. petite culotte {f}knickers {pl} [panties] [one pair]
vêt. leggings {m.pl}leggings [one pair]
hort. outil. ébrancheur {m}loppers {pl} [one pair] [for pruning trees]
mus. accord {m} mineurminor [note one half-step down]
vêt. slip {m} [femmes]panties {pl} [one pair]
vêt. petite culotte {f}panties {pl} [one pair]
vêt. falzar {m} [fam.]pants {pl} [Am.] [one pair of trousers]
vêt. fute {m} [fam.] [contraction de futal]pants {pl} [esp. Am.] [one pair]
vêt. culotte {f} [sous-vêtement, caleçon]pants {pl} [one pair] [Br.] [underpants]
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