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French-English translation for: [place]
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Dictionary French English: [place]

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lointain {adj}
distant [place, future, memory]
en {prep} [lieu  l'on va]
to [place where one's going]
au lieu-dit ... {adv}at ... [named place]
en dessous {adv}below [in lower place, on lower level]
plus bas {adv}below [in lower place, on lower level]
méd. sociol. soignant [paramédical]caring {prefix} [descriptor for a person or place that gives care]
crade {adj}grotty [Br.] [coll.] [thing, place: dirty, unpleasant]
géogr. intérieur {adj} [de l'intérieur des terres]inland [place, town: interior]
désert {adj}lonesome [Am.] [place: unfrequented]
déserté {adj}lonesome [Am.] [place: unfrequented]
peu fréquenté {adj}lonesome [Am.] [place: unfrequented]
ne ... nulle part {adv}nowhere [place]
sédentaire {adj}settled [living in one place]
retiré {adj} [lieu, village]solitary [place]
en passant par {prep} [en traversant : un lieu]via [place]
commander qc.
to order sth. [command, place an order for]
emmener qn.
to take sb. [to a different place]
intercaler qc.to bookend sth. [coll.] [place on the two ends of]
aboucher qc. [tube, tuyau]to butt sth. [place end-to-end]
aiguiller qn. [vers un endroit]to direct sb. [to a place]
joindre qc. à une lettreto enclose sth. [place sth. in an envelope together with a letter]
se passerto go [happen, take place, proceed]
aborder qc. [lieu]to reach sth. [place]
accéder à qc. [atteindre] [lieu]to reach sth. [place]
reprendre possession de qc.to reclaim sth. [place, territory]
convoquer qn. [employé]to summon sb. [notify to appear at a specified place]
ind. atelier {m}
workshop [place with tools, seminar]
cloaque {m} [littéraire] [bas-fonds]cesspool [fig.] [place of depravity]
recoin {m}corner [place]
caractère {m} familierfamiliarity [of face, place]
chasse zool. gîte {m} [logement]form [resting place or nest of a hare]
relig. martyre {m}Gethsemane [fig.] [place or occasion of great suffering]
habitation {f}habitation [place of residence]
refuge {m} [abri]harbor [Am.] [place of refuge]
havre {m} de paixharbor [Am.] [place of refuge]
refuge {m} [abri]harbour [Br.] [place of refuge]
havre {m} de paixharbour [Br.] [place of refuge]
lieu {m} de prédilectionhaunt [coll.] [place frequented]
cachette {f}hide [hiding place]
waters {m.pl} [fam.] [vieilli] [lieu, objet]lavatory [place, object]
géogr. Oahu {f} [île de l'archipel d'Hawaï]Oahu [also: The Gathering Place]
taudis {m} [endroit]pigsty [fig.] [filthy place]
zool. cuniculture {f}rabbitry [place or enterprise]
intimité {f} [d'un endroit]seclusion [of a place]
pouillerie {f} [endroit]squalor [filthy place]
halte {f}stop [break, pause, stopping place]
transp. étape {f} [lieu d'arrêt]stop [stopping place]
lieu {m} de rencontrevenue [arranged meeting place]
relig. profanation {f} [de temple, tombe]violation [of a sacred place]
2 Words: Others
en passant par {prep} [en traversant : un lieu]passing by [place]
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