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French-English translation for: [région]
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Dictionary French English: [région]

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yonnais {adj}[from the Roche-sur-Yon region, in Vendée]
francilien {adj}[of / from the Île-de-France region]
triste {adj} [région, événement]depressing [region, event]
géogr. jurassien {adj}Jurassic [pertaining to the Jura mountain region]
du terroir {adj} [spécifique de la région]local [of the region, accent etc.]
trafic desservir qc.
to link sth. [town, region]
trafic desservir qc.to serve sth. [town, region]
textile cadis {m}[a textile manufactured primarily in the historical region Gévaudan in the Lozère département]
adm. hist. centaine {f}[an administrative region in the Middle Ages]
cuis. géogr. brasucade {f} [repas festif organisé dans le Languedoc-Roussillon][celebratory meal, generally in open air, generally including mussels, typical of the Languedoc-Roussillon region]
cuis. soupe {f} de poissons à la sétoise[fish soup speciality of the region around the Étang de Thau]
ichtyo. pêcherie {f} sur pilotis[fisherman's cabin on stilts typically found in coastal region around the Loire estuary]
cuis. vacherin {m} des Bauges [fromage] [aussi : vacherine de Savoie][French cheese produced in the Savoie region]
cuis. pain {m} des Abers[large farmhouse loaf, speciality of the Abers coastal region in Brittany]
cuis. géogr. gouline {f} [spécialité culinaire angevine][pie from Anjou region with local ingredients ingredients mushrooms, cheese and wine ]
bot. cuis. piment {m} d'Ibarra[red pepper from Ibarra in the Spanish Basque region]
adm. pol. collectivité {f} territoriale[region with a measure of autonomy]
cuis. feuillantine {f} franc-comtoise [en pâtisserie][speciality of the Franche-Comté region - multiple layers of cheese and ham in a pastry]
éduc. géogr. zonage {m} des vacances [zones A, B et C][staggering of school holidays in France according to geographical region]
cuis. gerezia {m} [cerise en Basque][sweet cherry vinegar typical of the Basque region]
cuis. vacherin {m} mont-d'or [fromage] [aussi : Mont d'or][Swiss cheese produced in the Jura region]
cuis. aligot {m}aligot [dish made from cheese blended into mashed potatoes (often with some garlic) that is made in L'Aubrac region in the southern Massif Central of France]
géogr. pays {m} [zone]area [region]
géogr. hist. pol. confédération {f} béotienne [VIIe siècle av. J.-C. - 387 av. J.-C.]Boeotia [region of ancient Greece]
hydro. coup {m} de merbreakers {pl} [powerful waves breaking over the coastal region]
géogr. pol. Bretagne {f} [région administrative française]Brittany [administrative region]
géogr. pol. Corse {f} [région administrative française]Corsica [administrative region]
écol. géogr. écorégion {f} [aussi : région écologique]ecoregion [also: ecological region]
géogr. Franconie {f}Franconia [German region]
géogr. Guadeloupe {f} [un archipel des Caraïbes, formant une région et un département d'outre-mer français]Guadeloupe <.gp> [an archipelago and overseas department and region of France in the Caribbean]
géogr. pol. Jakarta {f} [capitale de l'Indonésie] [aussi : Djakarta]Jakarta [also: Special Capital Region of Jakarta]
géogr. hist. Kennemerland {m}Kennemerland [coastal region in the northwestern Netherlands, its name comes from the Kennemer people, who were Frisians that fought with the Counts of Holland and lost in the Middle Ages]
géogr. pol. Macao {f} [aussi : région administrative spéciale de Macao de la république populaire de Chine]Macao [also: Macau or Macao Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China (MSAR)]
géogr. Madère {m} [aussi : région autonome de Madère]Madeira [also: Autonomous Region of Madeira]
géogr. pol. Les Marches {f} [région d'Italie]Marche [region in Italy] [aussi : The Marches]
géogr. Martinique {f} [une île française située dans les Caraïbes et département et région d'outre-mer]Martinique <.mq> [an island and an overseas department/region and single territorial collectivity of France]
géogr. hist. pol. Mecklembourg {m}Mecklenburg [historical region in northern Germany]
géogr. pol. Normandie {f} [région administrative française]Normandy [administrative region]
géogr. pol. Occitanie {f} [région administrative française]Occitania [administrative region]
géogr. hist. Occitanie {f} [région historique, linguistique et culturelle d'Europe du Sud]Occitania [historical region in southern Europe]
cuis. reblochon {m} de Savoiereblochon [cheese made in the Alpine region of Haute-Savoie]
reconnaissance {f}reconnaissance [military survey or survey of a region]
cuis. salers {m}salers [semi-hard cheese originating from Salers, in the volcanic region of the Auvergne]
géogr. pol. Sardaigne {f} [île de la mer Méditerranée et une région italienne]Sardinia [also: Autonomous Region of Sardinia]
géogr. hist. Valachie {f}Wallachia [also: Walachia] [historical and geographical region of Romania, situated north of the Lower Danube and south of the Southern Carpathians]
2 Words: Others
ethn. ling. alémanique {adj}German-speaking [e.g. region, country, population, minority]
2 Words: Verbs
traverser qc. [région]to go through sth. [e.g. a river or road through a region]
méd. se propager dans qc. [épidémie]to spread over sth. [region]
2 Words: Nouns
écon. géogr. UE zone {f} d'extractionassisted area [region eligible for aid, assistance]
cuis. gâteau {m} basqueGâteau Basque [traditional dessert from the Northern Basque region of France, typically filled with black cherry jam or pastry cream]
géogr. Basse-Franconie {f}Lower Franconia [Bavarian region]
géogr. Moyenne-Franconie {f}Middle Franconia [Bavarian region]
géogr. Allemagne {f} centrale [Saxe, Thuringe et Saxe-Anhalt]Middle Germany [Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia seen as a cultural region in today's south-eastern Germany]
hist. mil. pol. guerre {f} du Rif [1921-1927]Rif War [1921-1927] [armed conflict between the colonialists of Spain and the Berber tribes of the mountainous Rif region of northern Morocco]
trains transp. carte {f} orange® [Paris]season ticket [in the Paris region]
ethn. géogr. Les Gullah {m.pl}The Gullah {pl} [African American ethnic group who predominantly live in the south-eastern Lowcountry region of the U.S.]
géogr. Haut-Palatinat {m}Upper Palatinate [Bavarian region]
œnol. vin {m} jaune du Jurayellow wine [special and characteristic type of white wine made in the Jura region]
3 Words: Nouns
météo. trafic transp. aire {f} de chaînagechain fitting area [for trucks and lorries in winter in a mountain region]
météo. trafic transp. aire {f} de chaînagechain-up area [for trucks and lorries in winter in a mountain region]
hydro. coup {m} de merheavy sea swell [powerful waves breaking over the coastal region]
géogr. pol. Île-de-France {f} [région administrative française]Île-de-France [administrative region]
hist. pol. traité {m} de Karlowitz [1699]Treaty of Karlowitz [1699] [concluded the Great Turkish War of 1683–1697, establishing the Habsburg monarchy as the dominant power of the region]
4 Words: Nouns
agr. cuis. cabécou {m}soft French goat cheese [primarily from the Massif Central region]
5+ Words: Verbs
électr. électrifier qc. [maison, région]to connect sth. to the electrical grid [house, region]
5+ Words: Nouns
cuis. poulpe {m} à la sétoisesavoury pie filled with octopus [speciality of region around the Étang de Thau]
cuis. tielle {f} à la sétoise [tielle sétoise]savoury pie filled with seafood [speciality of region around the Étang de Thau]
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