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French-English translation for: [who]
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Dictionary French English: [who]

Translation 1 - 68 of 68

n'importe qui {pron}anybody [no matter who]
n'importe qui {pron}anyone [no matter who]
dr. [représentation d'une personne frappée d'incapacité mentale qui n'a pas donné de procuration durable]deputyship [Br.] [representation of a mentally incapacitated person who has not authorised a lasting power of attorney]
[personne / animal qui bave]dribbler [person / animal who drools]
ethn. géogr. domienne {f}[female French citizen who lives in, or comes from, a Département d'Outre-Mer]
dr. sociol. pacsée {f}[female person who has signed a PACS agreement]
hort. arroseuse {f}[female person who waters plants]
ethn. géogr. domien {m}[French citizen who lives in, or comes from, a Département d'Outre-Mer]
fin. hist. mil. Négociants {m.pl} réunis [1799-1806][group of bankers who funded Napoleon's military government]
dr. sociol. pacsé {m}[male person who has signed a PACS agreement]
sociol. reléguée {f} [socialement][person (female) who has declined in social status]
mil. réformé {m} [appelé][person who has been declared unfit for service]
sociol. relégué {m} [socialement][person who has declined in social status]
hort. arroseur {m}[person who waters plants]
le troisième larron {m} [fig.] [littéraire][the third party who benefits from a division between two others]
ethn. géogr. Acadiens {m.pl} [ethnie vivant principalement en Amérique du Nord]Acadians [ ethnic group descended from the French who settled early in now Canada]
occup. aboyeuse {f} [fam.] [personne]barker [female] [person who stands at a show entrance and solicits customers with a loud sales spiel]
occup. aboyeur {m} [fam.] [personne]barker [person who stands at a show entrance and solicits customers with a loud sales spiel]
arch. hist. occup. castellologue {m}castellologist [person who studies the building of castles]
arch. hist. occup. castellologue {f}castellologist [person who studies the building of castles] [female]
sociol. assistante {f} maternellechildminder [Br.] [who minds children in her own home]
sociol. personne {f} cisgenrecisgender <cis> [person who identifies with the sex assigned at birth]
cuis. soupeur {m}diner [person who dines]
arts dessinatrice {f}drawer [female who draws]
arts dessinateur {m}drawer [sb. who draws]
sport dribbleuse {f}dribbler [soccer: female person who dribbles ball]
sport dribbleur {m}dribbler [soccer: person who dribbles ball]
occup. experte {f}evaluator [female] [person who assesses]
occup. expert {m}evaluator [person who assesses]
fin. hist. occup. gabelou {m}gabeller [person who collected the gabelle - the salt tax]
hist. mil. harki {m}Harki [generic term for native Muslim Algerians who served as auxiliaries in the French Army during the Algerian War of Independence from 1954 to 1962]
géogr. hist. Kennemerland {m}Kennemerland [coastal region in the northwestern Netherlands, its name comes from the Kennemer people, who were Frisians that fought with the Counts of Holland and lost in the Middle Ages]
logeuse {f}landlady [who lets furnished rooms]
logeur {m}landlord [who lets furnished rooms]
arch. arts musée {m} du Louvre [inauguré 1793 « Muséum central des arts de la République dans le palais du Louvre »]Louvre [also: Louvre Museum] [collection greatly expanded under Napoleon who confiscated many European works, e.g. after Treaty of Tolentino (1797)]
aviat. sport parapentiste {f}paraglider [female who goes paragliding]
aviat. sport parapentiste {m}paraglider [male who goes paragliding]
myth. Parques {f.pl}Parcae [also: the Fates] [female personifications of destiny who directed the lives (and deaths) of humans and gods in Roman mythology]
arts matériel occup. faïencière {f}potter [female] [who produces faience earthenware]
arts matériel occup. faïencier {m}potter [who produces faience earthenware]
occup. amazone {f} [prostituée] [fam.]prostitute [who solicits from a car]
réfractaire {m}  l'armée, au vaccin, au progrès]refusenik [coll.] [a person who refuses or declines something]
occup. relig. Sādhu {m} [aussi : Sadhou]Sadhu [religious ascetic, mendicant or any holy person in Hinduism and Jainism who has renounced the worldly life]
sport marqueuse {f}scorer [female] [player who scores, person who keeps score]
sport buteuse {f}scorer [female] [player who scores]
sport marqueur {m}scorer [player who scores, person who keeps score]
sport buteur {m}scorer [player who scores]
occup. planqué {m} [fam.]slacker [coll.] [person who shirks work]
dr. [criminel suivant sa victime à la trace] {noun}stalker [person who harasses someone with unwanted and obsessive attention]
sport starter {m} [tireur du départ des courses]starter [who fires the starting pistol]
comm. mil. occup. vivandier {m}sutler [civilian merchant who sells provisions to an army]
comm. mil. occup. vivandière {f}sutler [female] [civilian merchant who sells provisions to an army]
occup. balayeuse {f}sweeper [a female who sweeps]
occup. balayeur {m}sweeper [sb. who sweeps]
cocotte {f} [femme] [péj.]tart [coll.] [pej.] [Br.] [woman who dresses or behaves in a manner considered sexually provocative]
[personne qui cligne de l'œil] {noun}winker [person who winks]
gigoteur {m}wriggler [person who wriggles]
gigoteuse {f}wriggler [person who wriggles] [female]
RadioTV zappeur {m}zapper [Am.] [coll.] [male who habitually changes channels]
2 Words: Nouns
sociol. assistante {f} maternellechild minder [Br.] [who minds children in her own home]
ethn. géogr. Les Gullah {m.pl}The Gullah {pl} [African American ethnic group who predominantly live in the south-eastern Lowcountry region of the U.S.]
vilain petit canard {m} [fig.]ugly duckling [fig.] [sb. ugly who becomes beautiful]
3 Words: Nouns
paquet {m} de nerfs [loc.]bag of nerves [idiom] [someone who is extremely anxious or tense]
hist. pol. traité {m} d'Arras [1482]Treaty of Arras [signed in 1482 by King Louis XI of France and Archduke Maximilian I of Habsburg, who agreed to marry his daughter, Archduchess Margaret of Austria, to the Dauphin of France]
4 Words: Verbs
être du matin [fam.] [être accoutumé à se lever tôt]to be a morning person [someone who gets up early]
5+ Words: Nouns
géogr. hist. mil. arc {m} de triomphe de l'ÉtoileArc de Triomphe de l'Étoile [commissioned in Paris by Napoleon in 1806, it honours those who fought and died for France in the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars]
hist. pol. Banquet {m} du Vœu du faisan [1454]Banquet of the Oath of the Pheasant [in 1454, the Duke of Burgundy gave this banquet to promote a Crusade (which never took place) against the Turks who had just taken Constantinople]
méd. sci. Classification {f} internationale du fonctionnement, du handicap et de la santé <CIF> [OMS]international classification of functioning, disability and health <ICF> [WHO]
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