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Dictionary French English: Union

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NOUN   l'union | les unions
NOUN   a [less often, archaic an] union | unions
SYNO   brotherhood | labor union ... 
occup. syndicat {m}
union [trade union]
math. réunion {f} [d'ensembles]union
union {f}union
2 Words: Others
occup. syndical {adj}(trade-)union
2 Words: Nouns
dr. sociol. union {f} civilecivil union
écon. monnaie union {f} monétairecurrency union
écon. pol. union {f} douanièrecustoms union
math. réunion {f} disjointediscriminated union
math. réunion {f} disjointedisjoint union
UE Union {f} européenne <UE>European Union <EU>
ind. occup. syndicat {m} industrielindustrial union
occup. compagnonnage {m} [association]journeymen's union
dr. sociol. union {f} conjugalemarital union
écon. monnaie union {f} monétairemonetary union
hist. pol. relig. Union {f} protestante [1608 - 1621] [aussi : Union évangélique]Protestant Union [1608 - 1621] [also: Evangelical Union, Union of Auhausen, German Union or the Protestant Action Party]
pol. trains syndicat {m} des cheminotsrail union
sport rugby {m} à quinzerugby union [game with 15 players]
éduc. pol. syndicat {m} étudiantstudents' union
immo. sociol. association {f} de locatairestenants union
occup. syndicat {m}trade union
occup. pol. sociol. syndicat {m} ouvriertrade union
occup. pol. syndicaliste {m}union activist
occup. pol. syndicaliste {f}union activist [female]
occup. carte {f} syndicaleunion card
occup. syndiqué {m}union member
occup. syndiquée {f}union member [female]
3 Words: Nouns
occup. élu {m} syndical(trade) union representative
occup. élue {m} syndicale(trade) union representative [female]
RadioTV Union {f} Européenne de Radio-Télévision <UER>European Broadcasting Union <EBU>
dr. droit {m} de l'Union européenneEuropean Union law
organisation {f} syndicalelabor union organization [Am.]
occup. pol. représentant {m} syndicallabor union representative [Am.]
occup. pol. représentante {f} syndicalelabor union representative [Am.] [female]
dr. sociol. union {f} civilesame-sex union
ind. occup. action {f} syndicaletrade union action
occup. syndiqué {m}trade union member
occup. syndiquée {f}trade union member [female]
pol. mouvement {m} syndicalistetrade union movement
organisation {f} syndicaletrade union organization [Br.]
délégué {m} syndicaltrade union representative
occup. pol. représentant {m} syndicaltrade union representative [Br.]
occup. pol. représentante {f} syndicaletrade union representative [Br.] [female]
dr. occup. accord {m} syndicaltrade-union agreement
dr. occup. droit {m} syndicaltrade-union law
occup. dirigeant {m} syndicaltrade-union leader
occup. dirigeante {f} syndicaletrade-union leader [female]
occup. pol. mouvement {m} syndicaltrade-union movement
4 Words: Verbs
occup. pol. se syndiquer [personnes]to form a trade union
fin. occup. payer sa cotisation syndicaleto pay one's union dues
4 Words: Nouns
trains Union {f} internationale des chemins de fer <UIC>International Union of Railways
5+ Words: Verbs
UE être conforme à la norme européenneto comply with European (Union) standard
dr. sociol. être pacséto have registered a civil union
5+ Words: Nouns
dr. sociol. UE charte {f} des droits fondamentaux de l'Union européenneCharter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union
pol. Union {f} chrétienne-démocrate d'AllemagneChristian Democratic Union of Germany
pol. Union {f} chrétienne-sociale en BavièreChristian Social Union in Bavaria
dr. internet UE Agence {f} de l'Union européenne pour la cybersécurité <AESRI>European Union Agency for Cybersecurity <ENISA> [originally : European Network and Information Security Agency]
pol. union {f} démocratique fédérale <UDF> [Suisse]Federal Democratic Union (of Switzerland)
géogr. géol. phys. Union {f} géodésique et géophysique internationale <UGGI>International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics <IUGG>
géogr. pol. Communauté {f} d'États Serbie-et-MonténégroState Union of Serbia and Montenegro
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F L'Enjeu [film de 1948]State of the Union [Frank Capra]
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