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Dictionary French English: golden

Translation 1 - 50 of 140  >>

d'or {adj}
en or {adj}golden
doré {adj}golden [colour]
2 Words: Others
mordoré {adj}golden brown
2 Words: Verbs
bot. blondir [épi, champ]to turn golden
cuis. dorerto turn golden
2 Words: Nouns
myth. âge {m} d'orgolden age
myth. toison {m} d'orGolden Fleece
sport but {m} en orgolden goal [football / soccer]
fin. indémnité {f} de départ (généreuse)golden handshake [fig.]
géogr. Corne {f} d'Or [Istanbul]Golden Horn
math. juste milieu {m}golden mean
mus. scie {f} [fam.] [vieilli] [vieille chanson]golden oldie [coll.] [classic song]
écon. fin. parachute {m} dorégolden parachute
math. divine proportion {f}golden ratio
math. nombre {m} d'orgolden ratio
math. proportion {f} doréegolden ratio
math. section {f} doréegolden ratio
math. spirale {f} d'orgolden spiral
cuis. mélasse {f} raffinéegolden syrup [Br.]
fil {m} rouge [aussi fig.]golden thread [fig.]
lamelle {f} d'orgolden tinsel
math. triangle {m} d'orgolden triangle
math. triangle {m} sublimegolden triangle
3 Words: Others
Mieux vaut se taire que mal parler. [loc.]Silence is golden. [idiom]
3 Words: Nouns
noces {f.pl} d'orgolden wedding (anniversary) {sg}
4 Words: Others
cuis. Laissez dorer.Cook until golden brown.
4 Words: Nouns
hist. pol. Bulle {f} d'or (de 1356) [aussi : bulle d'or de Nuremberg ou bulle d'or de Metz]Golden Bull of 1356 [a decree which fixed, for a period of more than four hundred years, important aspects of the constitutional structure of the Holy Roman Empire]
5+ Words: Others
cuis. Faites dorer les oignons.Fry the onions until golden.
Mieux vaut se taire que mal parler. [loc.]Speech is silver, silence is golden. [idiom]
Mieux vaut se taire que mal parler. [loc.]Talk is silver, silence is golden. [idiom]
5+ Words: Verbs
anat. dorer qc. [brunir - peau]to give a golden color to sth. [Am.]
anat. dorer qc. [brunir - peau]to give a golden colour to sth. [Br.]
tuer la poule aux œufs d'or [loc.]to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs [idiom]
dorer qc. [paysage]to shed a golden light on sth.
5+ Words: Nouns
hist. bataille {f} des éperons d'or [Courtrai 1302]Battle of the Golden Spurs [Courtrai 1302]
pol. Ordre {m} de la Toison d'orDistinguished Order of the Golden Fleece [Catholic order of chivalry founded by the Duke of Burgundy in 1430. Today, 2 branches of the order exist, namely the Spanish and the Austrian Fleece ]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
BD littérat. F La Serpe d'orAsterix and the Golden Sickle
film F Trois Souvenirs de ma jeunesse [Arnaud Desplechin (2015)]My Golden Days
film F La Maison du lacOn Golden Pond [Mark Rydell (1981)]
film F La Légende de l'épée magiqueThe Golden Blade [Nathan Juran]
littérat. F Le Carnet d'orThe Golden Notebook [author: Doris Lessing (1962)]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
cuis. ichtyo. T
zool. T
orn. T
zool. T
zool. T
ichtyo. T
zool. T
zool. T
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