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Dictionary French English: people

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NOUN1   a person | persons/people
NOUN2   - | people [in general, plural only; »ordinary people« also with »the«]
NOUN3   - | people/peoples [the people who belong to a particular country, race, or area; countable; always with plural verb]
VERB  to people | peopled | peopled ... 
SYNO   citizenry | people | hoi polloi ... 
pol. populaire {adj} [république, démocratie]people's
peupler qc. [région, ville]to people sth.
gens {m.pl}
peuple {m}
people [nation]
hommes {m.pl}
people {pl}
pays {m} [peuple]people
peuplade {f}people
personnes {f.pl}people {pl} [individuals]
2 Words: Others
certains {pron} [personnes]some people
2 Words: Verbs
mettre des étiquettes sur les gens [fig.]to label people [fig.]
déranger [mettre mal à l'aise]to upset people
2 Words: Nouns
ethn. géogr. Aïnous {m.pl}Ainu people [indigenous people of the lands surrounding the Sea of Okhotsk]
occup. hommes {m.pl} d'affairesbusiness people
sujets {m.pl} âgéselderly people
ethn. Peuls {m.pl} [Foulani, Fulbhés, Fulfulde]Fula people [also Fulani, Fulbe]
ethn. peuple {m} kanakKanak people
ethn. Khmers {m.pl}Khmer people
profanes {m.pl}lay people
profanes {f.pl}lay people [female]
gens {m.pl} du coinlocal people
gens {m.pl} du crulocal people
beaucoup de gens {m.pl}many people
beaucoup de monde {m}many people
majeure partie {f} des gensmost people
les trois quarts {m.pl} des gensmost people
vieillards {m.pl}old people
personnes {f.pl} agéesold people
gens {m.pl} du communordinary people
gens {m.pl} sans histoiresordinary people
auto monospace {m}people carrier [Br.] [large car / MPV]
pol. pouvoir {m} populairepeople power
psych. sociol. aisance {f} relationnellepeople skills {pl}
passeur {m} de personnespeople smuggler
sociol. trafiquant {m} d'êtres humainspeople smuggler
passeuse {f} de personnespeople smuggler [female]
sociol. trafiquante {f} d'êtres humainspeople smuggler [female]
dr. sociol. trafic {m} de personnespeople smuggling
pol. démocratie {f} populairepeople's democracy
pol. république {f} populairepeople's republic
ethn. Rohingya {m.pl}Rohingya (people) [also Rohingyas]
ethn. Roms {m.pl} [aussi : les Rom, les Rrom]Roma people
ethn. Roms {m.pl} [aussi : les Rom, les Rrom]Romani people
ethn. Roms {m.pl} [aussi : les Rom, les Rrom]Romany people
ethn. géogr. Samis {m.pl} [peuple autochtone d'une zone qui couvre le nord de la Suède, de la Norvège et de la Finlande ainsi que la péninsule de Kola en Russie connue sous le nom de Laponie]Sámi people [also: Sami or Saami]
ethn. Sinté {m.pl}Sinte (people)
ethn. Toucouleurs {m.pl}Toucouleur (people)
gens {m.pl} du voyagetravelling people {pl} [Br.]
sociol. Blancs {m.pl}White people
les jeunes {m.pl}young people
3 Words: Others
noir de monde {adj}crowded with people [postpos.]
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