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Dictionary French English: war

Translation 1 - 50 of 194  >>

NOUN1   a war | wars
NOUN2   war | -
VERB  to war | warred | warred ... 
SYNO   state of war | war | war | warfare
se faire la guerre [aussi fig.]to war [also fig.]
mil. guerre {f}
2 Words: Others
d'avant-guerre {adj}ante-war
d'avant-guerre {adj}pre-war
déchiré par la guerre {adj} {past-p}war-torn
las de la guerre {adj}war-weary
2 Words: Verbs
mil. pol. mener la guerreto conduct war
mil. pol. allumer la guerreto provoke war
mil. guerroyerto wage war
mil. pol. faire la guerreto wage war
mil. pol. mener la guerreto wage war
2 Words: Nouns
guerre {f} atomiqueatomic war
hist. mil. pol. guerre {f} noireBlack War [conflicts in Tasmania between British colonists and Aboriginal Tasmanians from the mid-1820s to 1832]
hist. mil. pol. guerre {f} des Cévennes [1702-1710] [aussi : guerre des Camisards]Cévennes War [1702-1710] [also: War of the Camisards] [uprising of Protestant peasants during the reign of Louis XIV]
mil. guerre {f} civilecivil war
pol. sociol. lutte {f} des classesclass war
hist. mil. pol. guerre {f} de la noix de coco [1980]Coconut War [1980] [independence of the Republic of Vanuatu]
hist. pol. guerre {f} froide [1947-1991]Cold War [1947-1991]
hist. mil. relig. guerre {f} de Cologne [1583 - 1588]Cologne War [1583 - 1588] [a conflict between Protestant and Catholic factions in the Electorate of Cologne] [also: Seneschal's War or Seneschal Upheaval]
hist. mil. pol. guerre {f} de Crimée [1853-1856]Crimean War [1853-1856] [ Russia lost to an alliance of the Ottoman Empire, France, the United Kingdom and Piedmont-Sardinia]
hist. mil. pol. guerre {f} des Cristeros [1926 - 1929]Cristero War [1926 - 1929] [also: Cristero Rebellion or La Cristiada]
pol. sociol. guerre {f} culturelleculture war
hist. mil. naut. guerre {f} néerlando-portugaise [1601 - 1661]Dutch–Portuguese War [1601 - 1661] [the Dutch gained an overseas empire at the cost of the Portuguese]
écon. pol. guerre {f} économiqueeconomic war
mil. guerre {f} d'exterminationexterminatory war
mil. pol. guerre {f} étrangèreforeign war [war abroad]
mil. guerre {f} de guerillaguerrilla war
mil. relig. guerre {f} sainteholy war
mil. pol. guerre {f} de destruction réciproqueinternecine war
hist. mil. pol. guerre {f} de Corée [1950 - 1953]Korean War [1950 - 1953]
hist. mil. pol. guerre {f} américano-mexicaine [1846-1848]Mexican–American War [1846-1848] [also: Mexican War]
mil. nucl. guerre {f} nucléairenuclear war
hist. mil. drôle de guerre {f}phoney war [coll.]
mil. pol. guerre {f} par procurationproxy war
hist. mil. pol. guerre {f} de Pyrrhus [280 - 275 av. J.-C.]Pyrrhic War [280–275 BC] [between the Roman Republic and Pyrrhus, the king of Epiru]
hist. mil. pol. guerre {f} du Rif [1921-1927]Rif War [1921-1927] [armed conflict between the colonialists of Spain and the Berber tribes of the mountainous Rif region of northern Morocco]
hist. mil. relig. guerre {f} de Smalkalde [1546 - 1547]Schmalkaldic War [1546 - 1547]
hist. mil. pol. guerre {f} de Smolensk [1632 - 1634]Smolensk War [1632 - 1634] [between the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth and Russia]
hist. mil. pol. guerre {f} de Torstenson [1643 - 1645] [aussi : controverse d'Hannibal ou guerre d'Hannibal]Torstenson War [1643 - 1645] [between Sweden and Denmark–Norway, during the 30 Years' War]
hist. mil. pol. guerre {f} de la Valteline [1620 - 1626]Valtellina War [1620 - 1626]
hist. mil. pol. guerre {f} du Viêt NamVietnam War
journ. occup. correspondant {m} de guerrewar correspondent
crime {m} de guerrewar crime
dr. mil. criminel {m} de guerrewar criminal
cri {m} de guerrewar cry
dommages {m.pl} de guerrewar damage
danse mil. danse {f} guerrièrewar dance
pol. fièvre {f} de guerrewar fever
film film {m} de guerrewar film [Br.]
jeux mil. wargame {m}war game
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